Chapter 25: Her Story

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A Day Ago

Lisa watched them disappear and she sat down, figuring it'd would be for the best. She wouldn't want to get in their way.

She would come up with a good excuse, it was all she could do. Lisa wasted no time getting up and informing Headmistress Augustine.

"Thank you for informing me of Takashimizu Emiyo and Takashimizu Kameko's absence. Next time I hope they will tell me themselves when deciding to help one of the townspeople and spend the rest of the day with them."

"Yes, I quite agree." said Lisa and looked at the Headmistress, she looked pale and tired, it seemed she hadn't slept in days.

"I see you noticed my exhaustion." she said, placing her hands on her desk. "It is a bit of hassle handling the new rumors of the school and continued pleas of student protection from worried parents."

"Well, if you need any help I can help out." Lisa found herself saying, which made her smile. Headmistress Augustine looked slightly surprised, but nodded her head.

"Thank you, but don't you have plans for the Fashion Club, especially now that your finishing up the dresses that are going to be used in the upcoming Cinderella play?"

Lisa had completely forgotten that one tiny detail, now she was truly glad she hadn't joined the twins and went to Rome.

Lisa excused herself and ran to the Fashion Club room. She followed the others as they entered and joined her partner, Xavier at the front.

They had split into groups in order to get the dresses done faster.

Xavier and Lisa had agreed to do the fairy godmother's dress while Ted and Wajiha worked on Cinderella's ball gown.

Behind her, Gustavo and Rosa were preparing to work on one of the stepsister's dresses, a bright green. To Lisa's left Yasmine and Sophie were already working one the second's stepsister's dress, which was purple.

"We're in good time." Teddy said as everyone pulled out extra laces, silk, and rulers. He took out a sewing machine and began to add frills to the gold dress.

Lisa saw Rosa, her green glasses falling to the tip of her nose as she stared down at a ribbon and took it's measurements.

Lisa took out a ruler and set of scissors, Xavier working with the sewing machine.

"A little to the side, don't you think?" he said, asking her opinion on one of the sleeves.


It was hard work, but worth it. Lisa felt comfortable working with Xavier and the prospect of finishing her very first dress was a dream come true, one she dreamed of that blossomed when Emiyo gave her that book years ago...

The dress was a pale blue with a tint of perwinkle by the time they finished. Lisa's eyes shone with absolute delight.

Her very first dress...
One that she had helped craft with Xavier.

"I know this was your first time making a dress," he paused, not meeting her eyes. "That's why I asked Ted if I could help." Xavier said in a whisper.

"Thank you!" Lisa asked with the biggest smile she could muster.

Xavier turned bright pink, he seemed lost for words and accidently made an awkward gesture.

" did really good!" called Yasmine, rushing over and admiring the dress, how on display on a mannequin.

"We already finished ours, it's simple, but it'll do..." said Sophie walking over, pulling her ginger hair out of it's tight ponytail. "Yours on the other hand..."

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