Chapter 1: A Wonderful Encounter

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"Takashimizu Emiyo-san?"
called a voice from afar.

Emiyo Takashimizu, a girl of normal stature, long ginger hair that went to her lower back, a shade of pink colored eyes, bounced on the balls of her feet, slightly nervous. She was clutching a little emblem. Trembling, until the voice called her once more.

"Takashimizu Emiyo-san, are you there?" they called again.

"Here!" Emiyo shouted, a little to loudly for her own good. It was no good, her nerves were too much for her. Putting the emblem into her pocket, she walked through the desolate halls of the corrider. She was a nervous wreck, but Emiyo shoved the thoughts away as best as she could, this was her final chance to find a perfect-

Emiyo stopped in front of a red painted door, above was a banner that read... January 2021 Career Center

This time Emiyo placed a hand on her heart, and shouted her catchphrase, "Whatever it takes!" She turned the doorknob, awaiting her fate....which was...

"What are your plans after high school?" asked a women with a scowl all over face. She looked like she would rather be anywhere else. The bun she wore on her bright brown hair bobbed up and down as she moved about.

"Well....." Emiyo placed a hand on her head. "I want to go to college, I guess?"

"You guess?" The scowl on the woman's face hardened. "Which college do you plan on going?"

Emiyo swung her legs, before answering. "Whichever my sister's going I assume....?"

The woman sighed heavily, she began to write something on her notepad. "Ok, so what do you actually want to do?"

Emiyo smiled gleefully, "Well, I want to be a---"

"Knight. You seriously told her that?" her sister yelled, clearly upset.

Emiyo herself looked hurt. "What else was I supposed to say?" she asked hotly.

"Oh I don't know...." her sister said as she put down her book and took of her glasses to message her nose. "maybe tell her an actual job you can do."
Emiyo pouted at her twin sister before walking off outside.

Her sister sighed once more, put her glasses back on, and picked up her book again, acting as if nothing had ever happened.
Emiyo slammed the door to their house close. She was so mad. Not just at messing up her one chance to finally interested in a career, but in her sister.

"So what if I want to be a knight?" Emiyo said in an undertone. "Is there really nothing wrong with that?"

But there was, and she knew it clearly even before she took another step.

It had been a lifelong dream of Emiyo's to become a knight, even if her sister didn't see it...they were as different as night and day, after all.

She was a twin, an older twin in fact...beating her sister by a few minutes. But other then their ginger hair, they had nothing in common, nothing.

Her younger sister, Kameko Takashimizu...always had her nose in a book. With her black glasses that covered her pale red eyes, single braided ponytail, and tight clothes that contrasted with Emiyo's free style.

Apart from their clothing, even personalities were distinctly different. Kameko was a realist, objective, cynical, and intelligent, not to mention level-headed.

Emiyo, on the other hand, was more friendly, clutzy, a terrible liar, bold, not to mention very popular among people. She always prefered to do things at her own speed, although her ability to eat is higher than anyone.

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