Chapter 46: Dreams are the Path to the Future

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Chevalier went to Gluttony, dashing through the snow. He sent out a wave of sparks and she dived.

"I," Chevalier veered off course as Gluttony advanced, avoiding a punch to her face by an inch. "will," she breathed in the cold. "Protect them."

She brought down her right arm and with a grit of Chevalier's teeth came the excalibur. She swung.

Gluttony was forced to retreat, losing strands of hair in the process. Chevalier accelerated, throwing menacing swings---but just then Kameko came in front-------


She had waited too long. Gluttony had her at last. He smashed his fist into her stomach and Chevalier felt her ribs break.

Staggering and dazed, Chevalier lost her momentum, Gluttony gave a quick spin and kicked her chin.

She fell back, landing in the wafty snow.

"Preaching." Gluttony said, kneeling beside her. "Why must all heroes and heroines..." He popped a candy bar into his mouth.

"When you're on the verge of losing. I'm genuinely curious."

He placed his shoe on her head, pressing hard. "Is it a secret technique? Do you receive some sort of power?" His eyes grew wider, Gluttony wanted more power, to over-indulge in it.

There was a thud as Gluttony was shoved backwards off his feet; Kibou, Yuki, Masayoshi, Jihi, Kandai-sa, and Shinkō had thrown themselves at Gluttony with all their combined strength.

A twitch and outstretched fingers pulled at the snow. Gluttony pried off the fairies from his face and body with disgust. He continued as he threw Jihi,

"They're always saying how strong you seem to become. Is it your emblems?"

Masayoshi and Kandai-sa were kicking and attempting headbutts.

"Or is it something granted to humans?"

Gluttony took both of them in his hands and knocked their heads together. Jihi yelled.

"There's no...s-secret technique..." said the soft voice as the nails dug into the snow.

A soft pause as a flower ornament came into view. "We're us...m-me..."

Gluttony placed a hand over his ear, "Sorry, what? You're too soft."

"What we're fighting for. What happens if we lose." Chevalier's voice rang loud and clear, slowly pulling herself up.

Her heart pounded so hard she was sure it'd come out of her chest. Chevalier's entire body shoke and the cold all over her face.

Gluttony calmly walked over and kicked her in the chin. "That's it? My older siblings were defeated over that? I know they put a fight to make things interesting, but come on!" He pulled Chevalier by the hair and held her.

"You're no mage, so you can't summon the least bit of magic, but your that impulse type that runs headfirst with brute force."

"Get away from Emiyo-bou!" Kibou slammed her head at Gluttony's neck.

"I'll do anything for Chevalier-bou! Now and always-bou!"

Something clicked in her head. And it wasn't her thoughts, it came from a voice she hadn't heard in years. It somehow projected itself into her brain.

Who do you think you are?

"I'm arrogant."

What do you think you can do?

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