Chapter 32: The Prince of Generosity

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She moved. The blade bounced off her armor and sliced her cheek.

As Chevalier leaped backward, she swung at King Sylvester, but her leg only met air.

King Sylvester sprang at her, aiming the black knife at Chevalier's face.

She closed her fingers around her excalibur sword, Chevalier brought it up and blocked his second attempt at murder.

"So you're...King Sylvester I presume?" she said, her hand shaking. He was insanely strong, even her knees trembled.

"Sir?!" Greed looked quite alarmed to see his master and leader out in the open. "Why are you here!?"

He said nothing, seeing Virtue and Liberté stand in front of Chevalier.

"It's your fault."

Even Greed seemed confused with his appearance as the cures were. "You never arrived before on the other's fights, why now?"

"Speak only when ordered Greed." King Sylvester retorted, shutting him up. His eyes never left Cure Virtue and Cure Liberté.

"These are the spares, hand crafted by Sirius, correct Greed?"

Greed nodded his head.

King Sylvester stared, he seemed hungry, or was it a sense of madness? His blade hadn't lowered, neither had theirs.

"But would they be far stronger than the original emblem? Chevalier?"

Now he peered at Chevalier. She tensed up and he searched her up and down. He seemed like an intense foe. With a higher sense of power than what their usual enemies gave off.

"We've said this many times..." Virtue stared back at him, unflinching and unwavering.

"We are not spares...Nor are we as weak as you might think..." Liberté added. "We don't go solo...we're a trinity."

King Sylvester smiled. "Of course you would. How very true...But is your trinity up to the task?"

"He's trying to get into our head by making us cocky..." Chevalier whispered.

"Sir! Let me!" Greed pleaded, eager to gain some sort of leverage on the battle. "I started this I can also..."

"Discipline Greed, didn't I say?" King Sylvester eyed him, he shivered and nodded. "Of course I'll let you fight. There is just something I would like to ask these little ladies that required my presence here today."

He took a step forward. "Tell me,"
Time seemed to have slowed down. No one came out screaming, alarmed even. A loud thud came from each step and Liberté realized that must be his skill.

Sylvester couldn't stop time, all he did was slow it down, making his presence and ability more pronounced.

"why didn't it work?"

It took a second to register his question. But even than none of the girls or fairies understood what he was talking about.

"What?" came Chevalier's voice.

A narrowed eyebrow, until he replied in a more bashful manner. "The revival of Eve. It was incomplete...why? I used all the blood required from you three?"

It was quite coy of him to reveal his latest plan. However, unfortunately for him, they didn't know the answer and were glad to hear that it had failed somewhat.

"We don't know...and even if we did, we wouldn't say to a traitor like you." Virtue said with a note of finality.

King Sylvester nodded his head, acting as if he were talking to a small child who knew no better. "Fine."

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