Chapter 22: Gift & Genetics

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Kameko didn't know what to do with this revelation. She wasn't why did her fire powers activate?

She went back, asked for more firewood, and this time wore blue gloves when she carried the stack. The firewood did not burn into ash this time, but it did smoke.

She wasn't going to take any chances.

Kameko broke into a run towards the truck where the firewood would be deposited.

"What took you so long?" Emiyo said, giving her sister a smike as she approached. She noticed Kameko throw the firewood as if she was afraid of it, or at the very least like they something out of a sewage outlet.

Emiyo looked at Lisa, who shrugged her shoulders, not knowing what to say but tried to ignore it.

The private bus they would be taking appeared only moments later and Kameko quickly got on, a few others following behind her.

She wanted to get away from Emiyo and Lisa for a little bit, at least until she could recollect her thoughts.

And the fact that she was now dangerous loomed in her head, she picked a seat in the back end of the bus and tried to relax.

"Did you hear the rumors?" said a boy two seats in front her who had red hair. He and his friend appeared to be a first year middle school students.

"Of the pale red eyed and dark haired girl who apparently haunts the school now?" said another boy with blonde hair.

Kameko instinctively perked up. She listened in on their conversation, fear  crippling inside of her.

"Yeah," the red haired boy named August said excitedly, "the security guards at the school had a run-in with her. They heard someone outside curfew and went to have a look, thinking it was a group of people..."

"And she appeared..." said the blonde boy named Lucas with excitement.

"The two security guards who say they saw her, said she seemed to appear out of thin air," August continued with the biggest smile on his face. "First her red eyes. Then her dark hair. Both said they were about to take a look at her when she vanished."

Kameko gave a deep sigh of relief. It seemed that the news had indeed spread, but not in the way they had been dreading. She could rest easier now that the problem of yesterday's outting was solved.

Now the one thing that she had told herself to relax upon could finally be able to give her practical and factual mind a migraine: she could do magic now, or if that's what it's supposed to be called.

"Great...Just great..." she said and a group of girls, including both boys stared at her.

Emiyo and Lisa sat together, only a few seats ahead of her, but chose not to talk amongst themselves.

There were a few moments however, when they thought Kameko wasn't looking that Emiyo and Lisa huddled up and talked with one another. Everytime Kameko looked in their direction both would stop and pretend to look out the window.

Kameko let out one of her usual sighs, with a saddened look in her eyes.

More familiar faces appeared in front of her, members of the Book Club, Morgana who greeted her warmly and Kameko had struggled to give a genuine smile back.

She just wanted to get going, for the first time in her life she hated being early.

Kameko did not look out the window like her other classmates, both underclassmen and upperclassmen alike. She missed the rapidly changing landscape of the school's wide open garden and gates to the bustling streets, houses, and shops: The same place Kameko had transformed into a Precure for the first time, only a few months earlier. 

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