Chapter 6: Like my Sister

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"It's Kameko...She's got Kameko..." her voice was shallow and panicking each second, her eyes wide and face pale as a sheet of paper. "Sh-h-he has my twin!"

The color drained from both Lisa and Kibou, the smiles that had appeared on their faces only a few minutes ago vanished without a trace. Lisa stood up rapidly, her eyes bloodlust. Kibou, herself looked utterly shaken.

Emiyo looked as if she was going to go crazy. She continually looked around, her eyes filling with tears. Her mind seemed to have forgotten where she was, until Kibou flew to her side."We'll get her back-bou. You can count on it-bou. I'll make sure of it-bou!" she said confidently, and Emiyo simply bobbed her head up and down.

"Take us to her then!" yelled Lisa. Her hand gripping a chair so tightly that it creaked under her pressure. "We can't let her get turned into a Taizai!"
What happened next, to this day, Emiyo did not remember. She was so concerned with getting to Kameko she did not feel Kibou's teleportation, the sense of flight, or landing on solid ground.

All she did was start running. Running towards what was now screaming chaos. The yells and screams of fleeing people surrounded her. And she knew why. She had been too late.

Emiyo's eyes grew moist while men, women, and children bumped into her in their efforts of escaping the chaos. One girl hugged her mother, another man pushed aside a boy in front of him. The crowd of people grew even more desperate. If Emiyo was not already scared as it was, that would have done it.

Emiyo never realized the actual danger. She merely fought for the sake of protecting the person trapped inside a Taizai, not this. Kameko was right... So that it hurt...this wasn't a game.

Sweat poured from her brow, her shoulders stiff from running. She hadn't paid attention whether Kibou or Lisa had caught up yet. No, they had entirely escaped her mind. All of her focus was on getting to Kameko, or what was left of her.

Emiyo's shaking hands slapped her face. Focus...I can't get negative! she looked upwards at a woman dressed entirely in green. More people pushed her from side to side, and she saw the woman vanish and reappear between crowds, Emiyo craned her head forward, scanning between the swarm.

More running. More yells. And still, the green woman, unfazed, continued to appear and disappear around people. It was as if she was trying to catch Emiyo's eye.
She hated to do this, but she shoved people back and forth trying to catch up to the woman and green. She was so desperate and her head throbbed with every step she took.

The screaming abruptly stopped, or could she no longer hear it? Emiyo looked around, people were still running left and right but they had seemed to have slowed down. She turned her head and at once regretted the sight.

The woman in green had appeared before her, landing from the skies towards her. Emiyo clenched her fists as she landed, eyes looking at Emiyo.

"Your different...much different from last time." she whispered. "A successor perhaps? Well..." she pointed a finger around her. "You did a terrible job getting here."

"Who are you?!" yelled Emiyo. "Where is Kameko?"

"You don't recognize a Deadly Sin when you see it?" she asked. "Your sister was so full of envy, she seemed to have attract me here and basically begged me to comt to her."

Emiyo gritted her teeth. She reached for her emblem as Envy let out a coy smile. "Maybe you should take a look for yourself, before you admit anything." she said earnestly, and snapped her fingers.

The snap echoed. It was loud and booming, and the people who were running in slow motion suddenly crumpled to their knees. They slumped their heads downward, and a malicious aura seem to emit from them as they began to cry.

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