Chapter 51: Apologies

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"We shall secure the school from Eve and Sylvester while you take on those Deadly Sins and get your fairy friends back," these words were uttered by Alice as she stood beside Chevalier, a sword in hand.

Some were holding lacrosse sticks, knifes from the kitches, golf clubs, baseball bats, and some fencing swords. Those without a sword looked fearful.

"None of that is going to help you even scratch them." the sound of Flockhart's voice rang out in the quiet air.

Chevalier watched the middle aged woman look at the group with her usual displeasure. She saw the bright purple longsword and its cruciform hilt hoisted on Flockhart's waist.

"Those ID passes!" she shouted suddenly, starling a group of boys. "Contains everything you needed to get into the school, but they are also magic items given to you based on your gift and aptitude."

There was a loud rustle as students and teachers searched their pockets for the familiar blue leather ID badge holder with their names written in beautiful gold lettering and their pictures.

Each and every one of them raised their IDs over their heads.

"Picture what you want to use, who you see yourself..."

With everyone thinking hard, the IDs gave off different colors in bright light.

And rings, bracelets, wristwatches, necklaces, hairpins, gloves, and headbands took their place.

Each and every student and teacher took their item with anticipation. A real weapon!

Flockhart looked up at Chevalier and she cleared her throat, standing to her full height. "We've got little time. We have no idea when they'll be back and how the Deadly Sins will arrive, all students will get into groups with two teachers, notably with their homerooms to make the transition smoother, there should be enough people."

"Flockhart will be commander. Those from the sixth grade will serve as backup, I am not putting you in harm unless the numbers go down." she was about to swallow, but forced herself into composure.

"Seventh and eight graders will stand guard over the town in case an attack is thrown to innocent civilians." she moved on, "Ninth and tenth graders will secure the right and left sides of the school. Finally, seniors, as the oldest and rulers of the school will guard the entrance. Is that clear?"

A loud chorus of agreement reached her ears and she gave an approving nod.

As everyone gathered into groups, friends talking among themselves as they showed off their magic items, Sakurako came to Chevalier with a request.

"We can help." Sakurako said "Let us fight as wel---"

"There's no need," Chevalier said sternly, not caring that she was her mother. "You can evacuate those who get caught in the crossfire."

Sakurako stared longingly at Chevalier yet her eyes were as cold as stone. She was in control here. Perhaps that's why she bit her lip and walked back to her husband.

Lorelei came up to her, Chevalier noticed her magic item was a ring.

"Now I know why you were so talented at the sword on our first meeting."

Chevalier shrugged. Lorelei gave her ring a soft tap and a bright yellow spatha sprung out from thin air. Lorelei took it in her hand and stared at Chevalier, a new light shining in Lorelei's eyes before walking back to her group. Pansy greeted the club president:
a green bracelet was on her left hand as she waved at Chevalier.

Alice was next, her magic item was a purple hairpin."How long were you a Precure?" the words were soft and filled with wonder.

Chevalier smiled, "On the day I met you for the very first time."

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