Chapter 45: The Prince of Nobility

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Emiyo stared at the last vow, quite pleased with herself. Shinkō continued to wear her, now iconic smug facial expression.

"I'm almost bursting with confidence." Emiyo said closing the notebook and gave it back to Yuki, her face brightening. "We'll be able to find Prince Nobility in no time."

She stood up and pointed at the ceiling, her head held high."Our motivation is invincible! Whatever it takes!"

For a second, Emiyo felt like she was five years old again, where she felt that anything was possible, felt so happy for some reason...

A sudden gasp brought Emiyo out of her thoughts and she saw the fairies staring. 

Emiyo looked behind her and saw the Trinity Lumière pulsating a bright pink glow. Emiyo slowly made her way towards it. Her hand dropping to her side.

"Careful-hi!" Jihi warned. "It could accidently activate or something-hi!"

Emiyo turned around to face the deer fairy, her hand hovering above the screen.

"What do you mean? I don't think--------AHHHHHHHH!"

Emiyo could feel herself falling forward and into the holographic light.


One by one the fairies, not thinking, went through after the human girl.

Through the blur, all sorts of places passed by as Emiyo tried to yell. A second flash of light appeared and she felt her landing soften as Emiyo landed on Yume's back.


"That was dangerous-oshi!" Masayoshi flew around her.

Emiyo blinked, "But...that's never happened before...doing that so suddenly..."

She sat up and looked around. The same holographic view covered the surroundings, but a fluffy landscape expanded among the trees, covering them in patches of some sort of substance, much paler----

"We've been to this place before. The snow landscape." Emiyo said as she sat up.

She thought back to the children who were skiing in the snow. Their laughter as she and the others (Kameko and Lisa, the thought made her a little sad), flew by.

Emiyo wondered, as Yume descended, why she had been summoned here. Once the pegasus landed, Emiyo jumped off, looking around apprehensively.

"I don't understand-oshi." Masayoshi admitted, landing on her shoulder. "Why bring us here so suddenly-oshi?"

"Response to my emotions?"

"N-N-No, the Trinity Lumière c-c-can't d-d-do that-sa."

"It only responds to commands-ki. It needs specific orders and the holographic map must be present-ki."

"Not sucking in the person-bou."

Emiyo didn't say anything. She could feel her ears pounding.

"Sucking in a don't think----"

Emiyo looked around in desperation,her eyes wide. "Something happened?"

She shivered and felt her heart race. The image of Gluttony running around made her sick.


Running around, wreaking havoc, turning people into Taizai.


Kameko and Lisa, all alone...Were they fighting? Or had they already lost?


One of them goes bad. Had it already happen? Was Emiyo too late? Her dream came alive. Their hollow looks...Gone. Gone and they'll-----"

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