Chapter 31: Chaos with Fire and Water

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The cauldron began to shimmer and glow and the colors twisted into a dark shade of purple. "Finally!"

King Sylvester's face brightened for the first time in decades. "After all this time."

Wrath watched his leader who was so full of joy at his accomplishment.

Eve would be revived within seconds.

Wrath said nothing on the matter. All he did was watch as the King summoned a vial in his hand and took a portion of the substance from the cauldron.

"Appear before me...Origin of Darkness..." he whispered with delight, nearly dropping the vial in his excitement.

She obeyed, appearing in her usual vortex-like form. King Sylvester laughed at this notion. Believing that she would no longer need to look so deformed.

"Be glad, you will no longer retain such a form." King Sylvester told her longingly.

He poured a single droplet. And once he was sure it was not a fluke, he continued.

The vortex that was Eve began to shudder and shake, emitting a mixture of dark ooz with black and white light.

"So in the end," Sylvester said, refilling his vial, if he added too much at once the substance wouldn't have enough time to take effect. "there were only three emblems. No more cures."

Saying this delighted him even more. The odds were clearly against them.

The potion took effect, obscuring his and Wrath's eyesight from the mess of deranged colors. King Sylvester gave the vial one last squeeze, breaking the vial to pieces.

Was it excitement or desperation, having to wait for so long? Or was it a trigger? Something that happened naturally?

But the thought would not last long in his mind, something else would, something he hadn't expected. It would definitely eat him from the inside out.

The fog cleared and the shape of a person came to view. She was no longer a voiceless or bodiless. Or a simple incorporeal form.

Eve was a very pretty woman. Albino hair in a tight bun and a long black tunic that trailed behind her like a wedding train.

She stared at him for a moment. Her dark black eyes blinking back at him.

Eve pursed her lips before speaking, standing upright.

"I don't know who you are." she said simply.

A second passed. Then the sound of a heel clanking with a footstep. Her tanned, light brown face was inches from his.

"But I will not hesistate to kill you if you come any closer." Eve added calmly, her hands clasped together.


Liberté was attacked from both sides. It forced the transformation off her. And Lisa couldn't help but gasp.

She couldn't understand a single word they were saying. It was a mix of crying on the twins' part, yells of joy from her parents, and chattering from the fairies.

"I'm sorry, everyone." she whispered, hugging them all at once. "I'm sorry I took so long to get here."

It was getting so extreme that she was starting to turn purple. They all let her go once they noticed this small factor.

Emiyo was seen wiping her eyes, no use since it seemed that she was crying a river and Kameko's nose was running.

Kibou, Masayoshi, and Jihi looked at her waist. The same belt. The same emblem.

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