Chapter 50: The Battle for the Royal Academia Institute

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One look at the wound and Emiyo knew it was far beyond anyone's capacity to heal. The spearhead was lodged deep into her chest and showed no sign of letting go.

Lisa was slidding on the spot and as Emiyo reached for her she took the spear between her hands and pulled it out.

It was intense tingle that almost felt like an electric shock. Another second and her nervous system realized it was under attack. Nerves and blood cells were broken beyond repair and released maximum levels of heat.

Lisa lost her ability to make any sound or display any sign of emotion besides bewilderment.

The heat, worse than being burned alive flowed out and she stared at Eve's happy face. She couldn't feel anything, it was all adrenaline.

Emiyo threw everything she had into thrusting her excalibur at Eve in a wave of rage. Eve moved away as Emiyo came at her, moving her sword in an array of bright pink slashes.

"Dear little Emiyo." she called out playfully. "Such a trivial thing really upsets you?"

Emiyo wasn't listening, she was being consumed by her rage.

"What a wonderful reaction. Precure are extraordinarily compassionate. An opening is always created when their ally is injured." She took Emiyo by the hand and pulled. A small spin and throw made her slam into the nearest tree, a gasp escaping her lips.

Kameko crouched before Lisa, staring at the large cut over her heart. She couldn't tell her fake comforting words or that she would be all right. Lisa wasn't an idiot to believe such things.

"Which do you think came first, the soul or the body?" she turned back to Kameko and Lisa with a smile.

"It's just like the question of what came first, the chicken or the egg! Do you think the soul is inside the body or is created for it to inhabit the body?" she clapped her hands together like a teacher asking a simple question to a class.

When no one answered, Eve raised a finger upwards. "The soul is always first! You can die but your soul will live on."

After that was when it started to really hurt Kameko could tell. Her face changed. Like any other cut pain was all over her face but this one was not going to go away. She felt the hot piercing pain all at once. Then with every drop of blood she lost she felt colder. It's was bad. It was really bad.

"It is because of the soul that your body can take shape. Just like reincarnation utilizes your soul, not always but its often enough to be an example. There's also incarnation." she was scolding them like an adult to a child who didn't know better.

There was a flash of black light and the uncanny figure of Sylvester stepped out.

Horror seeped into Emiyo and she raised herself forward, transforming into Cure Chevalier.

"Ah, Sy you finally came!" Eve raised a hand and Chevalier's sword snapped in two.

Sylvester looked slightly put out. He looked around, seemingly unaware of what was going on. Then he saw Lisa.

"I know why you're fighting. But the process is important." She shoved Chevalier away as Sylvester took a step forward.

"If you want to kill Emiyo, you'll have to kill us too!" she saids fiercely, though the effort of standing upright was draining her of still more color, and she swayed as she spoke.

"You should really enjoy the battles more!" Eve continued as if everything happening right in front of her was nonexistent.

"The present is important you know."

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