Chapter 20: Children Once Again

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"Nothing insignificant was happening."
That was what one would hear from the people living in London. The weather was well, there were few clouds, the sky was blue.

Nothing paranormal happened, they said.

But that wasn't the case for the teenage twins Emiyo and Kameko.

The Taizai's screams increased in their ears.

It was difficult to do, which had a few accidents, but they would not dare let anyone find out the strange incidents happening in London.

A mad dash of color surrounded the monster. Figures in pink and red.

Or the fact that there were heroes in broad daylight fighting these beings.

"Gosh darn it." Chevalier cried trying her best to corner it."That all you got sitting on your butt Sloth?"

"Last time I remember." said Sloth lazily and pointed at his chin."You gave me a scar, so no thanks."

"There's no use in talking to him." Virtue reminded Chevalier, failing to give the moving Taizai a solid kick. "He's trying to irritate you."

"I know," Chevalier reminded herself and jumped upwards. "but it irks me that he merely floats around letting the monster do the fighting for him."

She managed to land a solid kick at the Taizai. Her heel snapped off in the process as she descended to the ground.

But the few accidents that did come out from these occurrences were shut up with some additional help.

"You checked the area?" asked Lisa to the three fairy siblings who were next to her.

"There's no one visible by at least a hundred mile radius-ki." answered Yuki. "We checked-ki."

"It was a smart to use Kibou's transportation abilities to transport the Taizai somewhere else-oshi..."

Lisa agreed, "And knowing Sloth is too lazy, he'd simply follow wherever the monster turned up."

"Although it is exhausting-bou..." Kibou whispered, her face would have been pale if not for her already white skin: being a white bunny after all.

It was the only thing they could do. Survey the scene before them from afar and guaranteeing secrecy.

Lisa knew this well. She stepped back and continued to watch the fight...cheering her childhood friends.

They had summoned their swords this time.

Chevalier swung her sword at the Taizai's legs while Virtue's erupted fire.

Sloth let another yawn and floated about in the air. For him, it seemed like any other day. Nothing new---the way he liked it.

The twins kicked the Taizai from both sides.
All it did was multiply.

''All it does is multiply!" Chevalier shouted, picking the clone and tossing it.

"Maybe we have to nuke it!" Virtue suggested, raising her fists as yet more flames erupted from them.

"Go ahead! There's no water here!" her sister called out and pulled away.

Virtue closed her eyes and held her hands out in front of her.

The flames and sparks exploded like fireworks at the Taizai. It backed away, hands over it's eyes.

"Nope!" Virtue called and this time chains of fire appeared from her hands. They binded themselves around it's deformed and abnormally large body.

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