Chapter 14: At Its Truest Form

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"Eve?" said Chevalier, standing inbetween Kameko and Envy with her eyebrows raised. "That's your goal?"

"Oh its definitely something you'll want to look out for in the near future..." hummed Envy lazily. "You also want the special treatement like your sister here?" she pointed at Kameko, who had her head down, still unable to utter a single word.

"There's no way I'm letting that happen..." said Chevalier, inching forward, fists raised. An eerie sight met their eyes: Envy's green and her pink ones peered into the others intently.

"Show me,"

The snake-shaped dagger of her arm grew a foot larger.

"what you can do!"

She leaped just as Chevalier moved, both interlocking hands. Each tried their hardest to push the other off, Envy giving out astonishingly flexible kicks. Chevalier pulled her away from Kameko, making sure to watch out for the trio of Tazai as she went.

Envy swung her snake dagger at Chevalier. Cold wind blew at her face as she did so, a glinting smile on her face. "Did you inherit her power?" she slashed at Chevalier's side, missing her ear by inches. "Let me see it!!"

Chevalier continued to swerve and duck her head even as she was pushed off the edge of a nearby building.

"Precure! Flower Camelot!~" Cure Chevalier called out and tossed her flower ornament at the incoming Taizai. The other two closely packed together, in the same way they had done for Kameko. The flower attack simply bounched off them and burst into minature sparks.

"Shoot!" yelled Chevalier, looking down and landing on solid ground below. The Taizai that was chasing her suddenly split into the original three and descended upon her, cackling loudly.

"Ahhhh!" She let out a battle cry. Chevalier raised her fists to meet them. A kick. A twist in body movement. She kicked with all her might at each and every Taizai around her, cartwheeling as she went.

All Kameko saw from above was a constantly pink moving blur. The blur kept attacking at the Taizai around it, with more vibrant sparks of the blur's sword. She didn't know what to say besides hanging her head in despair and jealousy.

"Kameko-bou..." came Kibou's soft voice as she landed beside her, watching her face fall.

One managed to scratch Chevalier's upper cheek, a thin stream of red dripped to the ground. She jumped backwards still: the Taizai that had attacked her aimed for a kick and Chevalier slapped it away. She stood up no later to meet the other two who were standing upwards, apparently cured from their attacks.

One slapped at her shins, sending her backwards. Chevalier looked around for a few seconds, grasping the situation. She suddenly smiled.

"What are you smiling for?!" Envy rose her dagger intimidatingly, sending powerful storms in her direction. Chevalier's short hair slapped at her face, the wind threatening to blow her away. Even so, as she struggled against the winds to so much as stand, Chevalier continued to smile.

She dashed, watching closely for the buildings around. Against Envy's winds that continued to their best of their ability blow her away, she ran across a building's side.

"I'm not going to let you!" Envy yelled, jumping forward. Chevalier saw her approach, she only had a few seconds and she saw Envy raise her dagger.

She bend backwards, feeling the razor and momentum air in her face, she could see the deep green pupils of Envy and her creamy dark dimples on her brown skin; Chevalier leaped into the air once she passed Envy and upside down brought forth her rainbow horse.

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