Chapter 4: The Parting of Ways

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Kameko saw everything.

Lisa held her breath, her face in utter dismay. The only thing she could do was tug at Kameko's arm restlessly. "Get back, Kameko!"

But Kameko didn't listen to a world that came from her mouth. Her ears seemed to have filled with lead. Kameko shoved off Lisa's hand to survey the scene for herself, her pale red eyes surveying the scene around her at rapid speed.

How? How is this...happening? This can't be real...None of this is theoretically or physically possible....But how? How? How is this possible...? How can Emiyo...the Emiyo I know...

The lush short bright pink hair, the vibrant uniform, the flower on her head, the eyes, the shoes, the aura...everything entranced Kameko's mind. The swift breathing that came from her was so deep while she raised her fists in front of her.

Be this...?

Cure Chevalier began running, side-stepping as the Taizai in front of her began to fire black fire from it's mouth. At this Kameko felt a shudder go down her spine. The flames were seconds away from her head, but Kameko noticed, Emiyo seemed to be having the time of her life. She was dodging, punching, with such balance that she was able to hide her inner satisfaction. Her strong arms were able to flip the Taizai over.

The Taizai was soon cornered, Chevalier had taken out her sword and pointed it at the freakish monster, until she heard the familiar voice of the victim,
I am...not cut out for this lazy job. I deserve something far more better then this! Yes, yes I should seek something higher, then I'll reach the respect I deserve! I need not exist...I am greater then everyone here! They can rot for all I care! They know that I am even better then they could ever be!!

Kameko had no idea what she was doing. She had no reason as to why it happened. She didn't feel her legs, or her body move. It just came to her. By the time she realized it...Lisa was screaming as she stared into the eyes of a violet styled woman, Pride.

She could hear her sinister and cold laugh as if it were a beating drum that reverberated inside her. She still felt this way, from head to toe...until she felt Chevalier forcibly pulled her into an tight embrace. And that removed the lead from her ears, her heartbeat returned to normal, and she no longer felt the innermost suspense.

It was Chevalier's cries of pain that brought her back.

Chevalier was still seizing Kameko by the shoulders as her face pained. Her breaths were heavy and shallow, her legs had given way.

Her transformation came undone as she hit the floor, panting. Lisa rushed to her side, and helped her up, however Emiyo kept slipping. Pride was laughing madly, "Taizai! Now's your chance, crush all of them, including the girl in glasses!"

Kameko didn't know where to look. At the woman in front of her, the monster who was beating the ground so hard she was sure the Earth would explode, her fallen twin sister, or the fairy that stepped forward.

"No-bou!" Kibou got inbetween them, and gave off a bright glow, Pride blinked for just a second, but they were already gone. No trace of the fairy, glasses girl, the Holy Knight, or the dark navy haired girl.

She gritted her teeth so hard that they scraped together making shrill sounds just like nails on a chalkboard, she directed her anger towards the Taizai.

"You piece of garbage!" she shouted, blasting at the spot the girls had just been and only leaving scorched grass. "Get to work!!"

"Are you ok-bou?" asked Kibou, worry all over her face as they landed back in Emiyo and Lisa's dorm room. She gave a weak smile. "Yes...I'm going to go back..."
"You absolutely can't!" replied Lisa, her clear ocean-like eyes filled with worry.
"But the Taizai! How will we get rid of it if I can't even fight!" Emiyo argued back sitting up and instantly regretted the pain on her back.

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