Chapter 19: Emiyo's Idea

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The sunlight hit Emiyo square in the face. As if the luggage she carried with hadn't been enough.

"It didn't change a bit." she whispered, looking at both her dorm and the hallways.

"I mean it wasn't supposed to." Kameko told her with the door to her own dorm opened wide. "They only closed the school due to the collapsing room, remember?"

"Of course they wouldn't figure out what actually caused it-bou." Kibou appeared beside Emiyo. "We'd made sure of it-bou..."

"Still," Lisa looked at their dorm in awe. "I find it strange we could pull it off..."

"But that doesn't matter now, does it-ki?" Yuki said brightly. "We're finally here-ki!"

Masayoshi looked around in their dorm room. "This is how it looks like-oshi?"

The room hadn't change at all. It was still incredibly cozy, the same brilliantly colored bunk bed and the two nightstands, fluffy cusions and chairs, long window, and
the fireplace.

"It's a little small-oshi..." Masayoshi commented before turning to the sliding mirror. "But cozy-oshi..."

Emiyo decided to take a peek at the window, Kameko rushing over. This time staring back at her was not just the girl with long locks of ginger hair and her dark navy blue haired friend with ocean eyes but another identical ginger haired girl with black glasses, a white bunny, a tawny puppy, and an orange badger fairy.

"Yep," said Emiyo with her eyebrows raised and fought the urge to laugh. "hardly changed."

It had only been a few hours since they had arrived in London. Luckily for them, the trip proved to be uneventful even if their parents continued calling and messaging them the entire way.

"Are you on the plane?"
"If anything happens tell me!"
"Is anything the matter?"
"Was there another crisis?"
"Tell me everything, alright?"
"Message me when you get there!"

Once they actually made it back to the school, the trio were escorted by government officials into the building.

"Girls! Long time no see!" Emiyo, Kameko, and Lisa had run into many of their classmates once they entered the school gates; Alice included.

The line and assembly that had followed took more time then any of them had anticipated. At least Kameko was able to talk with other members of the Book Club and Emiyo could conversate casually with the Fencing club for future plans.

Lisa stood among the mass of students, hundreds from all over the world. Some older and some younger then her.

It had been a tiny bit intimidating with how special everyone was compared to her, but wonderfully diverse at the same time.

Things ran more smoothly as they were escorted to their dorm rooms. They bid Alice and her friends farewell for now.

Fortunately, Emiyo didn't lose her ID pass this time which allowed them to stare into the mirror for another minute or so.

Kameko cleared her throat, "Guys we only have a few minutes until the re-opening ceremony...I think you should----"

Emiyo wasted no time, running madly across the room. She placed her things in random places, at the very least making sure they fit into her side of the dorm along the way.

Unbeknowest to her; the fairies, Lisa, and Kameko could only see a blur whizzing around the room.

"Done!" Emiyo held up the peace sign half a minute later and Kameko shrugged her shoulders.

"I guess that works too..."

Since they were transfers, they had no idea what to expect from an opening ceremony in London: Kameko was not disappointed.

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