Chapter 52: I Love You All

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Chevalier felt lightning course through her entire body. Her mucles twitched and she lost her balance.

She was barely able to land on her feet, her eyes never leaving Ted's.

Chevalier was sure they could hear her heartbeat. She could hear it in her ears. It was loud, about to explode.

Everything disappeared, a joke, something impossible...but deep inside her, Chevalier knew it wasn't a lie.

Breaking into sweat she forgot about using the Trinity Lumière.

Virtue turned white, horror painted in her pale red eyes.

Half of Chevalier yearned to hear more, half of her was afraid of what might come next. She was so frozen that she could only watch as the Seven Deadly Sins were aiming their powers at Ted.

But she reawakened and took him in her arms just as the first rays hit the floor. Chevalier felt his weight in her arms, how he had no time to hold on before taking a giant leap in the air.

"Another human to protect?" Greed called, his six siblings and himself followed.

Chevalier, still in the air, looked down as the rays of multicolor lights came towards her, her face filled with fear.

Bright red ribbons wrapped themselves around the trees in the shape of a spider web. It happened so suddenly that the Deadly Sins almost collided into each other, the ribbons typing them together.

Virtue, with her hand still raised, ran for the Trinity Lumière.

"NO!" with a roar, Lust broke free and fired in her direction a bright blue light.

Fire. Fire. Fire. Virtue had to conjure it before----

But she had no need for it, the spell only managed to touched a few strands of her hair before it dispersed.

Water droplets rained down on the floor as Chevalier took one large leap and landed beside Virtue, Ted in hand. She turned her head around---


Somehow she was right in front of them, her hand raised, sword in the other.

She wasn't transformed.

Virtue saw her demeanor, her curtana---it had upgraded.

"She's mine." Wrath said, breaking free and placing a hand on Lust's shoulder.

"Of course." she said with a soft, yet booming voice. "But I'd absolutely love to take all seven of you at once." Her eyes were simply radiating, more than normal.

Pride smiled, "I value those with a fighting spirit. If I remember correctly, you come from noble stock just like the twins over there." her last words were taunting.

Chevalier and Virtue looked at one another, confusion in their faces. Lisa didn't flinch.

She laughed instead. The ground trembled with her footsteps.

"To have your consideration, I am quite lucky." She was pulsating with sea blue light, her perwinkle eyes had become permanent.

Virtue knew when Lisa was unapproachable. Those moments where she was someone else entirely.

"Come on then." that commanding voice, filled with a psychopathic secret said. She wanted to relish the sensation of ripping them apart.

Virtue didn't say it, but since the day Lisa saw her friends and family in danger, she would let out all of her negative emotions and anger to those who threatened her peaceful life. So much that she became unstable and insane.

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