Chapter 28: What Is Most Important

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Everything, eventually returned to normal, or as normal as it could be...

Classes resumed, making the day go much slower. Kameko watched her teachers as they recounted lesson after lesson.

It took a large toll on her, so much so that her handwritting slipped from the page. Kameko had to force herself to not lose focus.

However, Emiyo seemed to have been reborn. She wrote all her notes at breathtaking speed. She volunteered more then ever in every class, astonishing every on of her classmates, most importantly: Kameko.

"That's correct..." said their French teacher. "And that too...Yes..."

Emiyo simply shrugged her shoulders and continued working, filling out all the pages of her notebook.

She talked with the others as little as possible.

"Oh hey Emiyo!"
"Which class are you going next?"
"Let's sit together!"

Emiyo gave a curt nod and walked out, Kameko at her heels.

"Wait up Emiyo!" she panted as Emiyo walked down the hallway.

"What's gotten into you?" she asked, stepping in front of Emiyo, blocking her path.

"What?" she asked, slightly irritated that Kameko was blocking her way.

"Can't I be early to class?"

"No," Kameko said, folding her arms. "It's this new attitude, this new you."

"Huh?" Now she too, folded her arms. "Afraid of a little competition?"

"Of course not," Kameko said, slightly offended."on the contrary, I am exceedingly proud of how much attention you are putting into your studies."

"And?" Emiyo asked expectantly,
"What don't you like?"

It seemed to take a lot of effort for the right words to come out. Kameko turned bright red, pouted as her hands balled up the sides of her skirt.

Meanwhile Emiyo had taken a notepad and was checking her class schedule. This made Kameko's embarrassment fade at once.

"Stop focusing on things that are fully out of your control. There is no point." she said.

Emiyo put her notepad away and looked up.

"You can't control or change them."

"No I can't." Emiyo said simply, fixing the pink scarf she wore around her neck, only batting her long eyelashes and went around Kameko. "but I can avoid it from happening again, and that means I need to get much more serious as leader."

Kameko's face expression seemed to satisfy her own and Emiyo kept on moving.

She continued walking, endless, unyielding into a pit of darkness. It felt like walking into a void, a pit made from voices and despair, repeating the same words over and over again.

You'll never be able to get rid of her...

˙˙˙ɹǝɥ ɟo pᴉɹ ʇǝƃ oʇ ǝlqɐ ǝq ɹǝʌǝu ll,no⅄

No matter what you do or where you go...

˙˙˙oƃ noʎ ǝɹǝɥʍ ɹo op noʎ ʇɐɥʍ ɹǝʇʇɐɯ oN

Part of you will always be the scared, repressed little girl...

˙˙˙lɹᴉƃ ǝlʇʇᴉl pǝssǝɹdǝɹ 'pǝɹɐɔs ǝɥʇ ǝq sʎɐʍlɐ llᴉʍ noʎ ɟo ʇɹɐԀ

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