Chapter 26: Cursed Love

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Emiyo shook her head, she didn't want to believe what her eyes were seeing...But no matter how much she wished for it to be a lie, it wasn't.

Her worst fear had come true: Lisa had become a Taizai. Just as Kameko had, what if I can't be able to save her just as Alice? Then what would happen?

Kameko could sense what was going through Emiyo's head.

"We're going to bring her back." she reminded her. "Just like we did for everyone else who's soul was taken."

They continued on, running faster then ever and as they did so, hudreds of people began to run in the opposite direction in an effort to get away from the monster.

Kameko fell behind and helped an elderly man who had fallen in his haste to escape.

"What are you doing?" he asked when he noticed the direction in which Kameko was going. His face filled with worry.

"Something important." she said and caught up with her older twin before he could say anything more.

Emiyo saw the decreasing number of people but from the corner of her eyes she saw two lone figures who refused to move.

She knew who they were from a mile away.

"Mr. and Mrs. Oozora...what are you doing here?!" Emiyo asked, running towards them. "You should be in Osaka!"

Mrs. Oozora did not say a single word. Her face was buried in her arms, and Mr. Oozora kept her from falling to her knees.

"We came as a surprise for...." he struggled to form the right words. "Yet..."

Emiyo found herself staring at the Taizai. All of the physical features were there.

The shoulder length hair, the slightly small stature, and those ocean blue eyes...somber, but there. Her usual pale skin, however, was a putrid and nasty shade.

Emiyo gritted her teeth.

"The Taizai is created when the victim is split into two parts: the body and the soul. If they stay apart for too long, not only will the person die, but their soul will be lost forever, this makes it impossible to become a spirit, ghost, or reach whatever comes next after death. A soul lives it's own life, but a body needs a soul in which to live in...or it's simply nothing."


Emiyo didn't stare back, all her eyes were on the Taizai in front of her.

"I usually don't worry about that little factor, since we always seem to make it in time, that's why I never said anything about it before..."

"We promised we'd take care of Lisa and we'll keep that promise..." said Kameko.

"Whatever it takes." Emiyo replied, the fairies appeared by their side. "I don't break a promise, ever."

Mr. Oozora stared from one to the other utterly confused by their conversation, yet he could tell they knew something he and his wife didn't. This made Mrs. Oozora look up through her tears and cries.

Honestly the thought of revealing her identity didn't matter to her. From the look in Kameko's face, she too, could care less.

That must be why the fairies chose to appear beside them, allowing full exposure.

"Precure Switch~on!"

Mr. and Mrs. Oozora stared, unable to understand the creatures before them, or what the twins were planning to do.

Again came the splash of color, a mix of red flames and pink and white flowers. The transformation sequence occurred much faster then before, as if the power knew the urgence to enter the battlefield.

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