Chapter 27: Keep Moving

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Emiyo couldn't handle waiting.

She was naturally impatient for sure, but sitting around, doing nothing, sitting in this chair, waiting...

She hadn't brought a watch. Nor had Kameko, who was, for the hundredth time looking back and forth at the hall before closing her eyes in an effort to rest, but quickly resumed this process.

Emiyo's hands were sweaty, cold, and ached from hanging onto the armrests.

No one had uttered a single word. They were all thinking of the same incident.

"It was my fault-bou." said a small voice belonging to Kibou.

Emiyo shook her head and looked up.
"You did your best."

Kibou didn't think so at all. Her face was sober and she sniffed. "I could have done better-bou...If only I had-bou..."

"We all could have done something." Kameko who was seated between them, speaking in an effort to calm herself as much as them. "What's done is done. If we dwell so hard on the past we won't be able to face what's happening now."

Silence once again. No one else besides them was in the waiting room. It was far too early and no one paid any attention to the TV playing above their heads.

They could care less of the incident in Rome being broadcasted worldwide.

Maybe that too, was an affect of waiting. Hospitals made Emiyo sick. But she had to be there, she had to see what would happen next, even if she couldn't enter.

Kibou clung onto the basket that contained her siblings. She would not let go, no matter what anyone said or told her. She was still sober, feeling useless...

Emiyo didn't have the strength to continue consoling her. All she did was wait. Perhaps that's why she didn't hear someone coming their way. Kibou quickly hid behind the basket, but once the figure revealed itself to be Mr. Oozora she reappeared.

The twins nearly trampled over each other in an effort to stand up.

"Barely." he said softly.

They both looked a little more relieved, but Mr. Oozora looked immensely sad. "However, such incident per say have reopen old brain injuries..."

The twins stared at one another, but before they could ask what he meant by brain injuries, Mr. Oozora had already moved on.

"I've been meaning to ask you this," he asked with a defeated sigh, "have you ever had any weird occurrences happen lately, involving Lisa besides everything else going on?"

"Any weird occurrences?" Emiyo repeated softly. She wondered why he was asking her this...Was it perhaps----

"Not that we saw." Kameko answered objectively, her hands on her lap.

"I did-bou."

Everyone turned towards Kibou and she looked up, eyes red.

"Back when Lisa had promised to protect me, the same day Kameko first become a cure-bou...water had binded itself onto the Taizai seconds before both of you appeared to fight it-bou."

The twins stared at one another, their eyebrows rising so high that they hide in their hair.

"After the fight, a nearby store selling fish tanks had suffered a water leakage, and the water spilled close really close to Lisa, she had been tired and distressed the entire time-bou." Kibou continued.

Emiyo's eyes widened. "Didn't Kameko always say how quickly Lisa's wounds were able to heal themselves?"

"And didn't you beg for more power from your sword to defeat the Nurse Taizai?" Kameko added, now deeply invested in the conversation. "You were in front of the tent where Lisa had been resting and out came water, didn't it?"

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