Chapter One | The Beginning

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I'm late.

I'm 15 minutes late for work. I am just praying Mr Santiago isn't there today, I can not deal with that mans attitude.

I am exhausted and I haven't even started working yet, I am closing the diner tonight as well. Harlow could not get Noah to stop screaming last night so I got hardly any sleep.I quickly check the time on my phone and I quickly rush down the busy streets of New York.

I swear, I should be entered into the olympics, I ducking and weaving. I swear to fuck I hurdled someone.

Put me in for the long jump, it s sure gold medal.

I finally make it to the diner another 5 minutes later. "Hey Lucy I'm so sorry I am late, I couldn't get a cab so I had to walk." I ramble as I walk though the fairly empty diner.I walk out the back and hang my coat on my the rack and take my apron and tie it around my waist.

My uniform is some outdated  blue dress with a white collar, which in all honesty I wouldn't wear if I didn't need the job so badly. It ends around the middle of my thigh, thanks to my fat fucking rack, the fabric clung to me making my cup size grow two sizes.

I pushed away the fell hated and tied my hair into a ponytail, trying to prepare myself as bets as I can for the shift ahead.

"It's not a problem, we haven't been busy today. Mr Santiago left on an unexpected business trip last night, otherwise it would have been an issue." She announces making me aware of my lucky escape as I walk over to an empty table and gather the plates.

I hated this job, but at the end of the day i'm an nineteen year old girl who ran away from home with her best friend and her baby. I was in no position to be demanding a higher paid job.

I walk over to the sink and place the plates and cups next to it before I proceed to wipe down the table ready for the next customer. I straighten the menu and walk away. I continue with my shift for the next several hours until it is closing and the only two people left in the diner are me and Lucy.

"So how's the baby doing." Lucy asks chewing gum, obnoxiously loud may  add.

My mind flicks to the baby me and Harlow share, wait let me rephrase. Noah is Harlow's son but he's my god son, so we are practically his joint mother however I wouldn't go that far when he's an annoying screaming mess in the middle of the night.

I'm ready to disown his ass for waking me up at the crack of fucking dawn.

"Yeah he's fine just not big on sleeping these days." I huff leaning against the counter. We have casual chat until the bell rings and Lucy's mouth drops open. I am facing away from the door so I'm not sure who just entered but I just look at her face a giggle.

I hear a man clear his throat and I turn around and my eyes go wide. I don't believe my eyes.

Stood in the entrance of the diner is a few men wearing suits and a women. They all have dark hair and similar features pointing out that they must be related. God what I would do to be in that gene pool, they are all stunning.

I don't realise I am staring till one of them winks at me and I blush before turning back around to Lucy, I widen my eyes and she snorts grabbing their attention. She asks in a shaky voice,  sit anywhere and  we will be with you shortly."

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