𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝟹𝟾 - 𝚆𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚗𝚎𝚡𝚝

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It has been around a week now and I have hardly left Aces side. The nightmares stoped after a few nights but again I think if Ace left they would come back. He's my safe haven and I don't know what I would do without him.

We are currently driving to the runway, Ace said he has to take care of some business so we are flying to France or England I can't remember. I just know the flight isn't that long.

Ace is driving and I am sat next to him and his hand has been clued to my thigh for the last 25 minutes. He even take his hand for the steering wheel to change gears even though the hand in my thigh is closer and more convenient. Harlow and Antonio are in the back, Noah isn't with them this time as it is only us four going.

"Let's play the license plate game." Harlow squeals rolling my eyes I lean my head against the windows. "Ace is that cow going to be on your plane today because I'm not in the mood for that slut touching you and Antonio up again." Harlow hisses and I giggle.

"No Ace fired her the same day." Antonio says and I look at Ace and he is focusing on driving. I lean over the console and kiss his cheek but he turns his head and out lips connect.

"I'm pregnant can we please make sure my baby sees the light of day and I don't die in a car crash." Harlow says. Her mood swings are coming hard and fast, her attitude is even worse than when she was pregnant with Noah

"Harlow stop been a bitch." I say as I pull away from Ace and his eyes go wide.

"You think I'm a bitch." Harlow says beginning to cry. "Sorry it's the hormones you know I love you." She says sobbing and I turn around and hold out my hand.

"I know you do H, I love you too." I say as she takes my hand and i rub my thumb across her hand.

Shortly after we arrive at the runway and have boarded the plane. We are about to take off and I am sat next to Ace and Antonio and Harlow are sat opposite.

"Do we have to deal with pregnant Harlow the entire time or is normal Harlow going to make an appearance at all." Ace says and I squeeze his hand. Please don't have awaken the beast.

"Ha ha funny one Ace but I reckon Eiffel is going to be one moody pregnant women so get used to it while it isn't her." Harlow says and I laugh.

"Ill be a walk in the park I don't know what your talking about." I say sticking out my tongue.

"Pregnant or not your a hand full so I doubt Eiffel will be bad." Antonio says and I send him a award winning smile.

The plane begins to take off and I screw my eyes shut. Take off and landing scare me the most so I squeeze Aces hand and shut my eyes. I have only ever looked out the window once and I felt sick
instantly so Ace keeps all the shutters down.

After a while I move to sit on Aces lap and he puts his arms around me in a Protective hold. I kiss him gently and pull away resting my forehead in his head.

"Let's play a game like truth or dare." Antonio says and I roll my eyes.

"No truth or truth. More juicy." Harlow says and i laugh.

"Ok Ace first." Antonio says and I move to look at Ace who looks so disinterested.

"Who's the best person you've had sex with." Harlows says and my eyes go wide. I know it's nit going to be me but I still don't want to hear it.

"Eiffel" he says looking at his phone. I blush at his response but the tone of his voice and the disinterest in his face almost made it robotic.

"Fine Harlow who's the best person you've had sex with" I say laughing and Ace squeezes my thigh.

"Antonio duh" she says and rolls her eyes.

"Eiffel, what was the best place you and Ace had sex." Antonio says and I go red. So we are asking a lot of sex questions.

Ace sits up and actually looks interested now. "Your guys kitchen counter." I say and Harlow stops laughing and throws a pillow at me.

"You dirty bitch did you actually." Harlow says and I giggle.

"And the fridge." Ace says and i playfully slap his shoulder and he just kisses mine.

We continue playing for a while and we find out that Antonio and Harlow pretty much have sex everywhere. I though me and Ace we're bad but damn they never stop, no wonder she's pregnant. Ace said his favourite body part of mine was my legs and that he realised he loved me the day he met me.

"Wait I have a questions, did you kill my fish and then buy me a completely different one or did it change colour." I say to Harlow and she looks down.

"You forgot to feed it didn't you." I say and she shyly nods.

"How the hell are you about to have a second kid." I say and she laughs.

"Ok we know when Ace realised he loved you but when did you realise you love Ace." Antonio says and Ace kisses the back of me neck and the hairs stand.

"When I made him pancakes for the first time." I turn to Ace. "I've never opened up to anyone like that and you just listened you didn't judge and I just know that I was falling in love with you." I say and he kisses me gently and I sigh into the kiss.

"Oh that was the cutest thing." Harlow says and when we pull away we realise she is crying. She is either really happy or really said, normal or have the biggest attitude.

I rest my head into the crook of Aces neck and fall asleep to his voice and steady breathing. I am nit sure how long I am asleep for but I get woken up by Harlow.

"Wake up were about to land." Harlow screams and Ace covers my ears with his hands and I stir in my sleep.

"Pregnant or not I will kick your ass." I say and she laughs.

"You couldn't hurt a fly." Harlow laughs back and I giggle.

I sit on Aces knee while we land and I squeeze his hand when my ears pop. I still haven't got used to that, after the man flights we have the take off and land still worry me.

"Where are we anyway." I say and they all remain silent and I just shrug my shoulders and turn my attention to my phone.

We make our way off the plane and into a car and I still have absolutely no idea where we are. In the car I look for clues as to what country we are in but there is nothing. I then fall asleep in the car while Antonio and Ace talk in french, Harlow is sat on her phone texting The girls group chat but I just sleep instead.

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