𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝟾𝟸 - 𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚜 𝚞𝚙𝚘𝚗 𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚜

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"Does this mean I get you back now or are you still going to be working all the time." I ask with a low voice. I sit and play with my hands as I look around, I look anywhere but his eyes.

"What's are you talking about you always had me" He replies making me sigh.

"Ace, I haven't spoken to you in weeks." I sigh and he just wraps his arms around me in a comforting embrace. I stand up and take his hand, Theo has fallen back asleep so we have our way back to the dinning room table.

Ace pulls my chair out for my and I sit down, I still feel a little awkward around him because of the tension but it's bit as bad as it was. Harlow looks at me and I just flash her a reassuring smile.

Now that me and Ace have sorted our differences i feel a little better, but it still doesn't change the outcome of the situation. I know along the line we are going to want different things, we are just delaying the inevitable out of our love for one another.

Everyone looks at me and Ace and I just look down, I avoid anyone's eye contact through the rest of the dinner. Kate says something in Italian and then Ace responds. His whole family begin having a discussion and I just look at Harlow. The conversation is very heated, they have aggression and anger behind there voice.

I just shrink down in my chair and play with my hands. Everyone's finished eating but they are still shouting. I snap my head up at the mention of my name, I'm not sure if it was my name due to the Italian accent but it sounded familiar. As I look up I notice everyone is looking at me, they are all still talking and when my head raises they all look away, his mother had some sad experiences on his face but Ace just looks emotionless.

I can't help but feel like they are talking about me, I am probably over thinking but I can feel the anxiety creeping in. I continue playing with my hands and look over to Harlow, she has the same matching confusion I assume is in my face.

I shrug my shoulders, I hear Theo cry in the room and me and Harlow just share a look at nod. We stand from the table and everyone looks at us. "We're going to go see Theo." Harlow says and i nod.

"Both of you?" Ace asks gripping my wrist and i nod, I loosen the hold he has on me and Harlow takes my hand.

We walk out the dinning room and Harlow links her arm with mine. "What's going on with you and Ace, when you were gone everyone noticed the tension between you two. Massimo and Anna are so angry with him." She says and I freeze looking at her.

"Wait what no. We are fine just been a little awkward recently but we are ok now. Is that what they were shouting at." I ask and she shrugs her shoulders.

I loosen my grip on her hand and walk back into the dinning room, as Massimo sees some he clears his throat and everyone shuts up. That was weird.

I look at Ace and he has a worried look in his face. "What. What's wrong." I say and he just shakes his head frowning. I look at each of his siblings and they all have some emotion laced in there eyes as they look at me.

"You told them." I huff looking back at Ace. Everyone's expression twists into confusion and Ace shakes his head. I look at the table and there is a file in front of Ace, when I look closer I see a photo which peaks out the side. You can't see the full photo but I see a hand with a bracelet on.

"No were talking about work what's up." He says and i shake my head. I spin back around and begins to walk away but I freeze, I recognise that's bracelet.

I shake my head, "tell us what." Anna says and my bones chill. I look at Ace and he has a horrified expression on his face, I can guarantee mine matches.

"Nothing just that we say Brian Stark on our honeymoon." Ace says and i smile nodding. I begin to play with my hands and notice my wrist, it's the bracelet. The photo is of me. I walk back over to Ace, as I go to take the photo he grabs my wrist.

"Ace either show me the photo or i swear that God. It's me isn't it." I huff and he lets go of my wrist. I pick up the photo and another falls onto, I turn the file over and there are so many photos of me.

"You were spying on me." I shout and Aces eyes widen. Kate and Leo begin talking but i just ignore them. "What the hell." I say storming out the room. Harlow is on the other side of the door and pulls me into a hug when I walk through the door.

"Did you know." I ask and she shakes her head, I lean into her and she kisses my forehead. "Har I don't know how to fix it." I cry and she just stroke my hair.

She leads me into a bathroom and we sit, I climb onto the counter and she fixes my makeup. I just sit in the counter while she rants about me and how I need to stop feeling sorry for myself.

We both snap out of though when there is a sharp knock at the door, I let out a sigh and nod my head. Harlow opens the door and Ace and Antonio are stood there, Ace holds his hand out and I jump down from the counter and grab it. He leads me out the room and somewhere else.

I let out a sigh and he squeezes my hand, I don't show any emotion. He spins me around and in one quick motion he picks me up. "Ace what are you doing." I huff but my body instinctively wraps around his.

I connect my hands around the back of his neck and rest my forehead in his shoulders. Our eyes lock together, I am put under the spell of Ace and I never want to be set free. I want to stay in this moment forever, for us to just forget about everything and just go back to being happy. That's not real though is it.

Aces eyes flick from my eyes to my lips and then back again, I feel my body heat up under his glare. I move my hands to the back of his head and lock my hands together, I squeeze my hands tight to dull the ache I have for him.

Aces hands are on my ass to support me yet I can't help but smile at them. Aces hands moves up to my waist and he lifts me higher, I am no longer eye level with him, I'm a little higher.

The tension between me and Ace is now unbearable as we just look into each other's eyes. I wrap my hands into his hair, the silence is making this worse I'm not sure if I should be angry that he has photos of me or happy that he's finally speaking to me.

"Ac-" I begin but I am cut off as his lips crash down in him. I am caught off guard but then I kiss him back, the kiss is a slow gentle kiss with heavy emotions behind. Aces tongue slowly enters my mouth and they move together, I move my hands in his hair and he lets out a sigh into my mouth. This is the first time me and Ace have had any physical contact in 3 weeks.

I feel my back hit a walk and Ace lets go of me gently, i unwrap my legs from him and place my feet in the ground. We continue kissing as I melt into his arms against the wall. "Dessert." Anna shouts from the dinning room and we pull away from one another.

We quietly walk back to the dinning room with smiles on our face, I have absolutely no idea what is going on with me and Ace but it's giving me a headache. I'm stressed all the time on what he's going to do or say to me, I just need a break. I love him but I can't keep going back and forth with him, not speaking for days at a time and then making out at his parents house.

We walk into the dinning room and I suddenly feel light headed. I push the feeling away but the nausea begins, I sit down and take a glass of water. Everyone begins to eat and I shuffle in my seat from the unsettling feeling in my stomach. It causes through my body and I feel flushes.

"Eiffel honey are you ok. You look quiet pale." Anna says and I just nod my head. My head begins to spin and I feel like I am going to be sick. My entire body runs cold and I just focus on breathing and not making a scene.

I excuse myself from the table and as I stand up my head goes light and my legs give way. I hit the floor and my head smack against the marble. I hear everyone shouting my name but I just close my eyes and the pain goes away as I drift into the darkness.

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