Chapter 5 | Relax

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I wake up with a pounding headache

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I wake up with a pounding headache. I am never drinking again. I climb out of bed and head into the kitchen.

"Hey Har you ok." I say as I rub my eyes and wince from the light. I look up and she is sat burping Noah. I walk behind them and grab a water from the fridge.

"So what the hell happened last night why was suit man here?" I question and sit at the kitchen and open my water bottle.

"He's Antonio's brother." Harlow says as she bounces Noah on her knee. Noah is wearing a cute baby grow and he is giggling. "Yeah he's called Ace I think"

"Come on big boy shall we go watch a film." I say as I pick Noah up from Harlow and she smiles. I walk into the living room and sit in the couch.

I start bouncing Noah on my knee and put the tv on, when I turn it in there is a Disney film playing, I believe it is Moana. "So who's Antonio?" I yell into the kitchen.

"Just a cute guy I met at the club last night." She yells back. "Hey Eiffle is pasta ok." She yells.

I shout back yes and turn my attention back to Noah and the tv. A song begin to play on the Tv "how far I'll go".

Harlow comes running into the and dances around. "Everything is by design." She sings, she picks Noah up and begins to dance and play with him while she sings. She then turns her head to me and in a dramatic plea she sings, "what is wrong with me, see the light as it shines in the sea it's blinding."

I giggle and so does Noah as she flies him around the room. She is crazy, I have a pounding head ache but I live for moments like this. I lay on the couch and that's when I smell the pasta burning.

"HARLOW! The pasta." I yell and her eyes go wide. She places Noah on the floor and rubs into the kitchen.

She emerges into the doorway holding a pan with pasta stuck to the bottom. I laugh and question, "Chinese?"

She nods her head and agrees, "Chinese." I grab my phone and call the Chinese take away place.

"Shall we call the girls to come over, it's is Saturday after all." I say and she nods her head.

"Actually I was going to ask if you could invite them over and look after Noah, Antonio called and I kinda wanted to go see him." Harlow says and I nod my head and laugh.

"so did you tell your lover boy you have a son." I ask Harlow as she walks into the bathroom and starts getting ready.

"No that's not exactly first date conversation you know." she replies.


Harlow has been getting ready for her date with Antonio for about and hour now, Trinity, Blaire and Jane-Anna have been here for about half an hour and they are all playing with Noah. We are all talking about the new episode of Outer banks when there is a knock at the door.

I walk over to the door and swing it open. When I look at who is stood at the door I am shocked, it isn't Antonio it is the green eyed man, who I believe is called Ace. He is stood towering over me and I suddenly am aware of my outfit, I am wearing nothing but an over sized t-shirt. My hands shoot the the bottom of the fabric as I pull it down my body, trying to cover more skin.

"your not my Chinese." I say with a pout making him smirks.

"Im afraid not." he replies, his Italian accent thick in his voice.

"is there something wrong I thought Antonio was going out with Harlow." I say as I gesture for him to come in as he obliges, I shut the door behind him.

"he is, don't get too jealous Eiffel." he says with a big smirk on his face, I just shake my head and look down. "You left this in my car." he says holding out my bracelet.

"Awh thank you. You could have just given it to Antonio, Harlow would have given me it, you didn't have to travel all the way down here to give me it." I say and smile at him.

"it is no problem really." he says and locks his eyes with mine. When our eyes meet I feel like I am put under a spell, electricity runs through my veins as I drink in his appearance. I am brought out of the spell when there is a knock at the door.

"Hey E, my purse is on the side get some cash out for the Chinese." Harlow yells from the bathroom.

I walk over the the table beside the door and grab her purse and open the door. This time it is the delivery driver. I greet him with a smile and he returns it. "Hey Eiffel, ordering again what did she burn this time." Ryan says with a slight laugh.

"She burned pasta, can you believe that." I say with a laugh.

"she's a terrible chef, but its $18.75 please." I hand hi the money and take the food from him. I place the food on the table next to the door and go to shut the door. "Hey E, I was just wondering would you like to go out sometime." Ryan asks as his hand stops the door.

"oh wow, Ryan that's a kind offer but right now isn't a good time for me with work and then Noah it would be a lot of stress to start dating someone right now sorry." he just nods his head and begins to leave , I shut the door and grab the food.

"Seriously E, stop with the shit excuses Ryan is a perf.... Hello I was not expecting you today." Harlow says as she notices Ace stood next to me.

"Yeah he found my bracelet." I say and hold up my wrist.

"oh my god you are a life saver she was literally crying this morning because she thought she lost it." Harlow says with a laugh and Ace just rolls his eyes.

"Hey it was my moms" I say and her face falls when she realises.

"Sorry E I didn't mean." I just interrupt her.

"I know don't worry." I say and hug her. when she realises ms from the hug she looks at her phone and squeals that Antonio is downstairs Ace just rolls his eyes once again and I playfully elbow him.

"I should be going." Ace announces and my face falls, I manage to recover before he notices but I just smile and nod.

"You can stay you know but I have to warn you we are having a girls night." I say and gesture to the girls in the living room playing with Noah.

"No don't worry ill catch you another time, Eiffel." he says as he opens the door and begins to walk away.

"Good bye, Ace" I say and Harlow rolls her eyes and hugs me. I tell her to have fun and shut the door once she has left.

"So who on earth was that hottie" Trinity squeals as I bring the Chinese into the living room. I begin to tell the girls how I met Ace at the diner and then him brining me home and even seeing him at the club last night. the though of Ace ends butterflies running wild in my stomach, I just push the feelings away and change the subject.

Why am I feeling this way about a man that I just met?

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