𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝟷𝟸𝟶 - 𝙲𝚕𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚐𝚒𝚛𝚕

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I lay on the bed with Ayah in between my legs. She is crying historically, me and Ace find she's like this where she's been awake all day and doing activities she has a little episode of a crying fit on the night.

"Shhh baby you're ok. Mamas got you." I say in a calm tone. Ace is in the shower and I'm trying to calm her down.

"Deep breaths." I say as I support her head, she is gasping for breaths as she cries. I rub small circles in her cheek. "Deep breaths baby." I say and she continues to whine.

"Blow on me baby. Blow on mama." I say as I blow out. To help calm her down, I taught her when to breath in you take a deep breath and when you exhale you blow out onto me.

"Blow on me baby." I say as I blow a small gust of wind across her face. She blows and it's mostly spit that flies at me but I don't care I'm focusing on calming my baby.

"Good job. Your doing so well baby. Deep breaths." I say as I inhale and she gasps as she cries. Her breathing is very jagged, I rub her head as she takes in a small breath.

"Good girl now blow on mama." I say and she blows my way. She whines again and i just kiss her forehead. "Blow on me." I say and she tries to blow on my but again I just get spit.

She continues to cry and I just stroke her cheek. "Ready." I take in a deep breath and blow across her face. "Blow just like mommy." I say and she blows and this time it's air.

"Like that baby. Blow on mama." I say as she blows on me. Ace sits in the bed next to me and brushes his thumb across her palm. She sees Ace and cries again, we think she does this when everything gets to much. Babies don't know how to control their emotions so this is how they react they freak out.

"Focus on mommy. Blow." I say and she looks at me again. I lean down and kiss her forehead. As I pull up she blows on me. "Good job."

"It's ok baby." I say as she slowly begins to calm down. I rub my thumb in the side of her head and she continues to blow on me. "Is that better." I say and she just blows in my, she squeezes Aces finger in the palm of her hand.

"Do we just need cuddles." I say as i bring her up to my body and she wraps her arm around my neck. I wrap my arms around her legs and sway back and forth as i try and get her to sleep. "Mamas here baby." I whisper into her ear and she rests her head sideways on my shoulders so she's breathing into my neck.

Ace rises from the bed and walks into her nursery. He comes back with her blanket, teddy and pacifier. I thank him and he walks back over to the bed.

"Look what dada got Ayah." I say and she removes her head from my neck. She turns to looks at me and i point to Ace. "Look dada." I say and she follows my finger to Ace.

She reaches out and grasps the air in his direction, he places her things in the bed and picks her up. "Hey Mija. All better now." He says as he bounces her, he lays her on his chest and her head goes to his shoulder. He stands up at the side of the bed and i
Grab her blanket.

I take the pacifier and I walk around to the back of Ace, he bends down and Ayah opens her mouth. I place it in her mouth and she begins to suck on it.

I wipe her tears away and she begins to fall asleep on Ace. I walk into the bathroom and finish getting ready.

I brush my hair and teeth, every now and then I check in the bedroom to make sure my baby is ok and when I know she is fine I continue to get ready.

I walk back into the bedroom and Ace is stood in the same position rubbing Ayahs back. I walk over to the bed and take her teddy and blanket while walking back into the nursery. Ace follows behind and gently lays her in the crib trying to to wake her. I place her teddy bear her and cover her with the blanket.

Ace turns the baby monitor and the night light on while I rub her hair. "Good night baby." I say and I turn to walk out the nursery.

Ace and I lay on the bed and he wraps his arms around me. I lean my head back against his chest and he kisses my forehead. I turn around in his arms and face him, he turns to lay on his back and I lay my body ontop of his. He pulls one leg over the top of his lower bald and I lay across his upper.

I place my hand on his chest and trail my index finger along his chest. I trail it over the Tattoo on his chest of Ayahs name, it is just below his collar bond tracing the bone on an angle.


With Ayah being 8 months and Ace working between New York and Italy I have to take care of her alone for a few days. Some nights she doesn't sleep at all and some she's in and off, when we Ace is home she sleeps through the nights typical.

I stir in my sleep as I hear Ayah cry. I kick Ace gently to wake him, he sits up rubbing his eyes and i smile. I climb out of bed and I walk into the nursery.

Ayah is sat up in her crib holding onto the railings. She is crying and screaming as I walk in she calms slightly.

"Ma m- mama" she cries and I gasp.

"ACE" I shout, he comes running in seconds later.

"What what happened." He says panicked as he looks at Ayah.

"M- mama" she screams and I pick her up. I brush the small hairs on her head and rock her back and forth. Her tiny legs wrap slightly around my hip and my hand is around her body.

"Yeah baby. Your such a clever girl." I say and she giggle. I raise her into the air and smile.

"Yeah mija mama." Ace says in the sexiest Italian accent. Ayah looks at Ace and points.

"D-dada." She says and my heart melts. My baby girl is growing up so fast. I look at Ace.

"Oh my good she's growing up so fast." I cry and Ace wraps his arms around me. I pull Ayah close to me and and sway back and forth. Ace kisses my head and I sway back and forth. Ayah starts to cry and I sigh. Ace kisses my head and leaves the room.

"Yeah just leave me when she starts crying." I say and he chuckles.

"Babe I'm getting her blanket chill out." He says and i huff. He comes back into the room carrying her blanket and her teddy bear, binky.

I wrap the blanket around her and she calms in my arms. She rests her head in my chest, Ace runs his hand over the back of her head and she slowly falls back asleep.

I gently place her in the crib , wrapping the blanket around her and her teddy next to her. I slowly step away and back into Ace. I spin around and kiss his lips.

We walk out the nursery and i fall back on the bed. "Do you think we are good parents." I say and Ace turns to look at me.

"Well there is nothing dramatically wrong with Ayah so we are doing something right." He says and i giggle. I turn over and place my head on his chest. I trace his tattoos with my finger, I trace over the area of Ayahs name.

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