𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝟹𝟽 - 𝚆𝚑𝚊𝚝!

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Ace has gone to call his mom to tell her that we are all ok. I step out of the bath and wrap a towel around me. I walk over to the sink and look at myself.

Ace has came back and is stood in the door way of the bathroom. I look in the mirror and my hands fly up to my neck and my finger tips trace the hand indent. My whole body begins to shake as I remember what happened.

Ace runs over and engulfs me in his arms. I turn around and cry into his chest, he begins to stroke my hair and kiss the top of my head. "Your safe I've got you." Ace says and I nod. My body begins to calm and I relax in his arms.

"Is Geanie and Harlow ok." I ask after a few seconds of silence.

"Yeah baby they are fine. They are worried about you though." Ace says and I wrap my arms around his chest.

"Did you find him." I ask and Aces whole body tenses. His reaction give me an answer. His picks me up and places me on the sink and I look down at my hands and begins to play with them.

"No but I will." He says and kisses my forehead. I look up at him and smile. "I love you you know that right." I say and Ace looks at me confused.

"Yeah of course I do. I love you too." I smile and hug him. "Come on, Your pastas ready." Ace says and I freeze.

"Wait." I say and I grab his arm.

"You ok." He asks and I look him in the eye.

"How did he get into the house, how did he know what room was ours. And why is miss Simmons the only one in the house that he didn't take." I say and Aces eyes widen and he takes his phone out and begins speaking in Italian.

Ace grabs his gun from his belt and he pushes me behind him and our bedroom door opens. I grab my towel to make sure it's around my body and that's when I see her, miss Simmons stood in the door way.

I stay behind Ace, his whole body is blocking mine. "You weren't supposed to find her." She hisses and I tense.

"Why. My family has done nothing to you." ace snaps and I hold into the counter.

"You where mine!" She says walking closer to Ace and he pulls back his gun.

"What are you talking about." Ace says and my bones chill this is another girl who Ace has had sex with.

"That one night did it not mean anything to you." She says beginning to cry. Oh my god this is a joke.

"No. Look Claire-" and with that Alessandro and Leo come running in and tackle her. They drag her out the room and she starts hissing Russian at Ace and he just turns to me and hugs me.

"Damn how many people have you had sex with that become obsessed with you and if you say that flight attendant I will scream" I say and he laughs.

"There is only one girl I care about and I'm obsessed with her." Ace says and I blush, it creeps up from my neck and my whole body feels like it's on fire.

"That was cute." I say and Ace just rolls his eyes and I giggle.

"I'm tired." I say and walk out the bathroom. I walk into the closet and put on my bra and panties. I walk back into the bedroom and lay on the bed, Ace is I the bathroom doing something.

I get into bed and curl into a ball, my mind keeps wondering back Xavier. I just need a break I need it to slow down. I close my eyes and bring my knees to my stomach.

Ace gets into bed behind me and I lean into him, I turn around and hug him. He wraps his arm around my waist and I snuggle closer to him. "I'm scared." I say and he rubs my back.

"I know you are baby I know but you don't need to be I'm here and no one is ever going to hurt you." Ace says and i kiss his chest, I trace Aces tattoo with my finger.

"I need it all to stop." I whine and he nods his head. I focus on his heartbeat and his breathing. I begin to drift to sleep listening to the rhythm of his chest.


I wake up, I see that Ace is still asleep. I untangle my legs from him and kiss his head,he shifts in his sleep but doesn't wake up.

I quietly walk out of the room and make my way down the stairs and sit in the kitchen. I begin to make a cup of tea to help me sleep then Romano walks in and I sit in the floor. I begin to stroke the dog and he snuggles close to me. Aces dog scared me when I first met him but he doesn't anymore. He's taken a liking to me, Ace said he doesn't like anyone but Romano seems to like me.

I kiss Romano on the head and he licks me and I giggle

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I kiss Romano on the head and he licks me and I giggle. "I missed you too buddy." I say and he curls into my side.

I stand up and grab my mug and take a sip. Romano stays at my feet as I stand up, I hear someone walking and I assume it's Ace so I just carry on playing with The dog.

"You ok baby." Ace says in a sleepy voice at the door.

"Yeah I couldn't sleep." I say and he makes his way over to me and kisses my head. He wraps his arms around me and Romano growls and I giggle. "He like me more than you." I say and Ace rolls his eyes.

"Whatever you say" Ace says and I smile and nod my head.

"Baby it will get better I promise it's all just so new, but he's not going to get anywhere near you especially with your new guard dog." Ace says and I giggle. "Let's get back to bed baby." I nod and put my cup in the sink. We put Romano back in his bed and we walk up the stairs.

Halfway up the stairs Ace stops and picks me up and I wrap my legs around his waist. I have a bruise in my arm and he kisses it as he lifts me up.

He walks into the bedroom and sits in the bed, I am sit clinging to him like a monkey and he lays down and I stay on top of him. He begins to draw patterns on my back, we remain like this for around 20 minutes.

"Your not asleep yet are you." Ace whispers and I shake my head.

"Baby you've got to sleep." Ace says his voice sleepy again.

"I can't Ace every time I close my eyes I see him. His face is there, it's burned into my memory." I say as I begin to cry.

"Ace I get if you don't want to be with me anymore. I'm just broken beyond repair, I can't give you anything. Not even happiness, we will never be happy. Not when he wants me Ace. We can't move on and have a baby like Harlow and Antonio. We're stuck here until you get him. I'm scared Ace because I can't give you that and I know that's what you need." I sob into Aces chest.

"The only thing I need is you Eiffel. I need you. It's ok to be scared but you can't let that fear rule your life. I will protect you with my life and he will never lay a finger on a single hair on your beautiful head. You make me happy Eiffel so enough of that bullshit. And as for a baby, it will happen in due time my love you don't have to worry about that right now." Ace says and he sits up and strokes my back. "I love you Eiffel. Nothing will ever change that and you are not broken. You are Beautiful Eiffel Rae Rodriguez." He says and kisses my lips gently and my whole body relaxes.

I lay my head in Aces chest and feel myself begin to drift to sleep. Aces breathing changes and I know he's fallen asleep and I soon follow him and fall into sleep.!

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