Chapter Two | Sweet Revenge

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Fuck Sake.

Striding into the warehouse, I ignored the men bowing their head in respect as quiet frankly they've all pissed me off.

Most of them avoided eye contact with me and that was either out of respect or fear, the latter most likely.

Descending down the stairs, i turn the corner to enter one of the rooms my family really like to utilise. I walk in to see a man tied down to a chair covered in blood, my siblings are surrounding him and my parents are on the other side of the room.

I wasn't sure what I was expecting but this certainly wasn't it.

"Who the fuck is this guy?" I cross my arms looking at the piece of shit while my brothers circle the room.

I turn to Geanie crying and sobbing as if her heart was just ripped form her body, Leo has an arm slung around her shoulder to comfort her but at this point there's no fucking point. 

"Honey you're gonna have to tell us what happened." My father tries to begin the conversation but she instantly shuts down breaking out into a fucking scream of wailing noises.

I turn towards my other sister, the less dramatic one, who nods her head in my direction clearly telling me to give it a go.

Fuck my life.

"Gea." I clear my throat and attempt to get closer to her. She has her eyes trained down on the floor while she holds onto Leo for dear life.

"Tell me what happened Gea."my voice was a lot sterner than my father, well she wasn't my princess like she was his.  She shook her head letting the black trails of mascara fall from her cheeks and onto the concrete floor.

I haven't got all day.

I slip my hand around my jaw and force her head up. She reluctantly tried to shrug my grasp off, but the two of us know i'm way stronger than her. I forced her eyes on me, I saw them darting around trying to avoid the truth but when they were set on mine I knew it would come flooding out.

"H-he tried to t-touch me." Geanie sobs and I ball my fist, unintentionally her hair gets wrapped up in my hand which makes her cry a little louder.

Leo eases my grip before he walks Gea and my parents out the room. No doubt they are debating putting her in therapy at this very minutes, but either way that ship sailed for us a long time ago.

I look at Alessandro who looks like he is ready to tear this guys limps off with his bare hands. "I know this is our sister were talking about but this is the third guy this month, she's pretty but not that fucking pretty." Kate huffs clearly getting sick of our youngest siblings antics.

"She was asking for it." The man in the chair, spits some blood in Kates direction just as she finishes speaking.

"That wasn't very nice." Her tone was calm and icy.

"I am going to kill you for this." I could actually feel my lips tip up ever so slightly at the ridiculous thought of him walking out here alive never ind getting his revenge on me.

"You are, are you." Amusement clearly lingering in my voice, while I take a step away form the door and towards the centre of the room

"I love the optimism." i raise my eyebrows while cracking my knuckles. They were already busted up from a bar fight I had last night.

Some people never know when enough is enough.

Come to think of it, maybe last night was my fault.

Oh well.

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