Chapter 4 | Nightmare

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I have consumed far to much alcohol for my liking. I can feel the bile in the back of my throat beginning to rise and it burns the back of my throat. I walk over to Harlow at the bar and far but she catches me.

"Hey can we go home." I slur my words and she just laughs.

"Yeah of course we can. You can come back too if you like." She says to her new friend. He looks at me and his eyes wide but he quickly fixes his face when I send him a confused expression.

"Sì, I'll come. It seems like you girls have had enough to drink anyway." The man says his voice sounds foreign.

Me and Harlow lean on each other as we walk out the club giggling and the man follows close behind. We stumble a few time but the man catches us and we giggling even louder.

We somehow make it outside without falling over and we get a cab back to our apartment. In the cab Harlow was sat in the mans knee and they were making out while me and the lovely cab driver made jokes about them.

They would stop for a few seconds and Harlow would hit my arm or send me an annoyed glare. We would just giggle and continue criticising them.

We arrive outside of our apartment and me and the cab driver exchange number and we somehow manage to get out the cab.

We make our way up to our apartment door but getting the key in the hole and then actually unlocking the door was a challenge. We get in and I kick off my heels and walk into my room and fall into the bed and as soon as my head hits the pillow I fall asleep.

 We get in and I kick off my heels and walk into my room and fall into the bed and as soon as my head hits the pillow I fall asleep

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I am sat on the couch listening to Geanie talk about how her friend has a botched boob job, I just nod my head and roll my eyes. My phone begins to ring and it's Antonio.

"What." I say into the receiver as I swipe to answer.

"Can you come pick me up I'm at a girls house. I'll text the addresses." He begs through the speaker and I just laugh and tell him I'll set off now. I haven't drank much just a few scotch in the rocks but that wouldn't affect me. It takes me a lot to get drunk.

He texts me the address and it is the same Eiffles I swear if she went home with my brother I am going to kill him.

I walk out the club and get into my car. I drive there and there are millions of thoughts travelling through my head of what she and my brother are doing.


I arrive outside the apartment and get out the car. Antonio text me the apartment number and said you won't guess who is here.

I take two steps at a time and reach apartment 218. I knock on the door and within seconds a small dirty blonde girl swings the door open and Antonio is stood behind her with his arms draped over her shoulder.

I walk into the apartment and she shuts the door.

"Are we going then." I ask Antonio and he just rolls his eyes and walks towards the kitchen with this new girl. As I follow them into the kitchen I hear a whimper.

"What was that." I ask and she turns around.

"It's Eiffle. She has nightmares." She says and turns back around making her way towards her bedroom.

"Well are you going to wake her up." I questions her. What a shit friend she can hear her friend suffer and she is going to leave her.

"What are they about." I question as they sit at the kitchen table.

"Her step dad." She says and pours Antonio a glass of water. That's when I hear her scream and we all run into her bedroom.

"Stop.... NO. PLEASE IM SORRy." She screams as she thrashes in the sheets. She is covered is sweat and her hair is all over the pillow.

The girl runs over to her and tries to wake her but there is no hope. She continues to hyperventilate and scream. I walk over to the bed and sit beside her. Antonio pulls the girl away from the bed and I lightly brush the hair away from her face. As my hand touches her face she stops screaming and her breathing slows lightly.

Then all of a sudden she shoots awake and begins to heavy breath again. I wonder what happens in her nightmares.

"Harlow?" She questions.

"Yea I'm here E don't worry it was just a dream." She says and makes her way towards the bed.

Eiffle turns her attention to me as she tries to control her breathing but when she sees me she gasps.

"..Hello." She says in a quiet shallow voice.

"Ciao." I respond and she looks at me confused as she wraps her arms around her friend.

"Antonio let's go." I order and he nods his head.

"Good night Bella." I say as I walk out the room. Antonio just laughs as we get the the door.


"Where did you disappear of to." My mom questions as me an Ant step out the elevator.

"Ant god his dick wet and Ace picked him up. What's new." Alessandro laughs. I just roll my eyes and walk up the stairs.

"Hey where you going." Geanie shouts.

"To my room..." I say confused.

"No. You need to tell me about the waitress." As the words leave her mouth my eyes go wide. For god same not Geanie.

"She's no one just a waitress." I say and roll my eyes.

"Just a waitress? Not but he sounds." She says and follows me up the stairs.

I have always been Geanies favourite brother because she knows I can't be arsed with the whining so I just buy her what she wants. Although she does annoy me when she is talking about absolute shit like her friends shitting Botox or when she finds out someone is pregnant.

"Look Geanie, it's kates birthday go annoy her not me." I say and she huffs and walks out my bedroom.

I walk into the bathroom and turn the shower on. As I get in the shower the hot water loosens my strained muscles and I can finally relax. Until it all starts again tomorrow.

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