𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝟼𝟿 - 𝚂𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚘𝚞𝚜 𝚃𝚊𝚕𝚔

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"ACE" I scream. "Don't you dare!" I shout as he hovers me over the water. There is a stingray in the water just outside our hut and Ace notices and is threatening to throw me in.

"Ace please." I cry and he laughs. He moves me from over the water and I wrap my a legs around his waist tightly.

"I hate you." I say as I let go and run back into the room. I lay in the bed and he comes in laughing.

Me and Ace have been here for around two weeks now, we have been doing things as couples and spending time together. He sometimes has to call Gio or Antonio but he got the idea after I went crazy that I didn't want him to keep calling home. We are here for 3 more days then we are going somewhere else. Ace won't tell me where but I keep guessing

My phone begins to ring and I roll my eyes. I pick it up for the side tae and Ace lays on the bed next to me. It's Harlow, he sees my screen and rolls his eyes.

"Hey Har what's up." I say but get interrupted by screaming.

"YOU GET YOUR ASS HERE NOW EIFFLE RAE." She says, I look at Ace and he looks just as confused as I do.

"What you middle naming me for." I say and Ace laughs.

"YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO HELP ME." She shouts and I realise what is happening.

"Harlow calm down. Remember breathing. I talked you through the first one I can do it again just through the phone." I say and she hums and focuses on breathing.

"What's happening." Ace asks next to me and I put my finger over my lips but it's to late.

"YOU'RE MENT TO BE THE CLEVER ONE ACE. I HAVE A BABY COMING OUT OF ME." She shouts and he tries to hide his laughter.

"Eiffel please just come." She cries and I can't help but feel sorry for her.

"H you know I can't I won't get there in time. Just focus on breathing and my voice. You can do this I promise." I say and she screams.

"Har remember to breathe ok." I say and she says ok.

"Har you good." I ask and she hums in response. I turn over on the bed and Ace wraps his arms around me. He turns over and lifts me onto him, I am laid in his front but with my back to him.

"Eiffel I'm getting a contraction." She says in a panicked voice and I just calm her, I tell her to breathe and focus on my voice and Antonio.

After a while she has dilated to 10cm and is going to have to push on the next contraction. "E I can't do it." She cried and i laugh.

"Yeah you can you did it before remember. Just think of the beautiful baby your about to have. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and push it out." I say and Ace chuckles underneath me.

She screams through the phone and I turn around and look at Ace. I move my legs so I am straddling him and I have a worried look in my face. His hands run up and down my legs to calm me.

"Eiffel I can't." She says out of breath. She was pushing a minute ago but gave up.

"Harlow yes you can. Or so help me god I will fly there and rip that baby out of you." I say and she gasps.

"Ok are you ready to push again." One of the nurses asks and Harlow couldn't say yes fast enough.

She screams and yells through the phone and then you hear a baby cry. "I did it." She says in an exhausted voice.

"See I told you, congratulations Har love you." I say and Ace squeezes my thigh. I look down at him and he has his eyes closed.

"I'll let you go but as soon as you are back get your ass here." Harlow says and I laugh. I say goodbye and Ace sighs.

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