𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝟾𝟶 - 𝙲𝚑𝚛𝚒𝚜

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𝙰𝚌𝚎 𝙿𝚘𝚟

"I don't have time for this shit. So you either tell me where he is or I'll shoot her." I say pointing the gun to his wife. When he spits in my direction I take that as a no and pull the gun back.

"Ok I'm not fucking around here Chris. Is his name Chris." I look in Alessandro's direction, he shrugs his shoulders and returns to looking at the man in the chair. "Ok well your Chris now. I swear to god tell me where he is or I'll shoot her." I say poison laces through my voice as I put the gun against her head. she begins to hyperventilate and cry causing Kate and Sandro to let out a sigh. Her screams are muffled with Kate covering her mouth, we are all getting impatient now.

When he just looks at me I grow angry, he thinks I'm bluffing, Kate removed her hands from her stepping away as I pull the trigger. Her cries are cut short and 'Chris' is shuffling in his seat as he just watched his wife die. He looks down at her and then back at me. "Im never going to tell you now." He spits and I chuckle.

"You see Chris. I will find out where he is, now you can either help or I'll pay your daughter a little visit. I herd she's just had a baby." I huff tucking my gun into my belt. His eyes go wide and he begins to shuffle in his chair more vigorously, straining against the ropes. I turn to see Alessandro and Kates grins grow wider and i shake my head.

"Last I herd he was in Thailand." He rushes out, I freeze and spin around.

I bend down i front of him and twist the knife in his thigh, "when was that." I hiss and he screams in pain. "I'm waiting." I say impatiently plunging the knife in further.

"2 months ago." He shouts, he is out of breath leaning his head back looking at the ceiling ,he grips the arms on the chair to dull the ache in his leg.

"Thank you Chris see it wasn't that hard." I say standing up, I gently slap his cheeks twice and nod in Alessandros direction.

"Why does he get him. I was here first." Kate huffs leaving the room.

"Wait your going to kill me. But I told you where he was." The man cries in panic as he watches Kate and Alessandro circle him.

"Exactly. We don't like snitches." Kate chuckles as he removes the knife from his thigh just to reinsert it about an inch lower. The man screams in pain and the twins just smile.

I leave the room slamming the door behind me, his screams can be herd through the door and Leonardo shakes his head as I look up. "You do know this is going to bite you in the ass." He says as we begin to walk.

"Maybe but what else can that bastard take from me. He already took my wife once. He's trying to take my mafia. He even took my chances-" I begin but stop myself. The anger consumes me and I make my way through the warehouse.

Eiffel is at my parents house, she has been staying with Harlow while they 'plan the wedding' but I know she's avoiding me. We haven't spoken much these last few weeks. When I come home at night she's already asleep and when I leave for work she has either left to sleep in another bedroom or is still sleeping.

I don't know how to fix it other than kill Xavier, I feel completely helpless. I'm watching the women I love grow to hate me but it's easier for her to hate me than to look at me and think of the life she could of had with me. I see it in her eyes, the happiness that ones shined in her beautiful face has disappeared.

I walk into my office and shrug out if my jacket. I throw it in the couch and make my way towards my desk. Antonio isn't here today, I am not dragging him into this Xavier shit not now when he has to deal with a stressed Harlow and two kids.

My siblings have noticed the shift between me and Eiffel but my parents are oblivious. Leonardo says I'm acting to irrationally over a girl but he doesn't understand, none of them do. Geanie thinks I cheated on her so she isn't talking to me, she hadn't asked Eiffel so she just assumes Eiffel hates me aswell.

A pissed off Kate and a beaming Sandro enter my office and sit on the couches. "So I guess we're going to Thailand." Kate says and i shake my head.

"No he'll have left by now. He will have got new of us capturing that shitface in there and ran like the pussy he is." I huff as I lean back in my chair.

"Ace we are going round in circles. Thailand was the closest lead we have had in weeks, I say we check it out." Sandro say and i huff.

"It's a waste of time, Ace is right he will probably be somewhere completely different." Leonardo says and i nod.

I tune out of the conversation as I think back to all the things I am going to do ones I get my hands in that greasy haired mess. I snap out of though at the mention of Eiffels name.

"What's up with Eiffel these days. Ace you fucked her up. She doesn't talk to anyone, she just hums along to Harlows wedding suggestions and spends most of her time in bed." Kate says and i frown.

"Don't you think I know this." I snap and they all exchange looks. There is a knock at the door and Giovanni walks in.

"Watch's up Marino's." he says and we all sigh, if he want my bestfriend I would have probably killed him by now.

Giovanni throws a file on my desk and looks at me. "Your going to want to see this." He says gesturing to the file, my siblings stand from the couches and make their way to my desk.

I take the file off my desk and open it, I see hundreds of photos of me and Eiffel. They are mainly just photos of Eiffel, I get a shiver run through my body and snap my head up. "What the hell is this." I say and Gio holds his hands up.

"Was left at your mailbox this morning a guard took it in from a mail man." Giovanni says. I nod my head and he leaves the room, the photos are scattered across my desk. I feel the anger corse through my veins as I look through them.

"Call dad. We're having a family meeting tomorrow." I say and everyone nods leaving the room. As the door shuts I put up the file and throw it across the room. He's taunting us, he knows we have no idea where he is but he is watching us. Unlike him I don't hide. I'm not a pussy.

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