Chapter 17 | Italy

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I get woken up by Ace moving underneath me. I move and he apologises.

"Hey sorry I didn't mean to wake up." He says as he takes his phone from his pocket. I just send him a lazy smile and move to get off him.

He stops me and looks at me confused. "My legs hurt ." I say and me let's go of my waist and I climb into the seat next to him.

"How long was I asleep." I question and Ace looks up from his phone.

"Around 5 hours." He says and looks back down to his phone.

"You should have waked me I would have moved off, I'm sorry." I say and he shakes his head and smiles.

"Baby, it's no problem." He says and I smile. "Go back to sleep, we still have 5 more hours."

"No I'll stay awake." I smile, he has an annoyed look on his face as he stares down at his phone. I pry the phone out of his grasp and he looks at my confused. I click on the camera app and we kiss. He drags my bottom lip between his teeth and I take the photo. I giggle at the photo and he chuckles. "We look cute" I say and he shakes his head and takes the phone back.


The plane lands in around an hour. Ace put an episode of friends on for us, when I look over to him he has fallen asleep. Ace said he doesn't like falling asleep on planes, to me he sounded like a control freak but he said it was because he said they are uncomfortable. What a load of crap, he has bought a jet and it is 'uncomfortable'.

I brush the hair off his shoulder and he begin to stir. He smiles at me and I apologise. I begin to play with his hair. "I'm boredddd" I say and he laughs.

"Baby you've gone 10 hours you can go another hour." Ace says and he plays with my hair. He leans over and kisses me gently and Noah babbles.

"Ma m mama." Noah babbles and I gasp.

"Oh my god HARLOW wake the fuck up." I say and she stirs.

"He just said mama." I say and she looks at me with wide eyes.

"Ma mama." He says again and Harlow squeals.

"Omg yeah. Your such a clever boy. I am mama." Harlow says and I laugh and turn my attention to Ace.

"Our baby is going to be cuter." Ace whispers into my ear and I giggle.

"Ace I'm not even pregnant." I say and he pisses my soft spot on my neck and I clench my legs together.

"Not yet." He says and I laugh.

"You ghee what a ring and I'll allow you to get my girl pregnant but until then, keep the mouse in the house." Harlow shouts and I burst out laughing.

"I'd wipe that smile off your face if I was you." Ace says as his hand creeps higher up my thigh. I stop laugh immediately but then Harlow coughs.

"Whipped." She coughs again.

I pick up Noah's you in front of me and Ace and throw it at her. It smacks her in the face and Ace and Antonio begin to laugh.


The plane begins to descend and my ears pop. Noah is crying, I am gripping Aces had so tight that his knuckles are turning white.

Once the plane has landed Ace stands up and holds his hands out for me to stand up. I stand up and grab my purse. Ace leads me out of the plane and the fresh air hits me and I feel like I can finally breathe again.

"Yours so pretty baby." He says and I giggle. I can feel the blush creeping up from my neck. He takes me toward a black Rolls Royce. He opens the door and I climb in, he then shuts the door and makes his way round to the drivers side.

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