𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝟻𝟶 - 𝚔𝚒𝚜𝚜 𝚖𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚛𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚙𝚑𝚘𝚗𝚎

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I climb into Harlows Range Rover and she begins to drive. I'm so angry right now I know the minute I see him I'll either run into his arms or kick him. "I actually am so angry." I say and Harlow nods.

"I know E but you have to remember he's marrying you not anyone else." I nod my head, I go to get my phone but I realise I've left my purse is his office

"Great now he's going to be angry because I've not got my phone." I say and she laughs.

"Eiffel I don't think he could ever be angry with you he loves you far to much." She says and i nod my head.

The rest of the car journey is Harlow trying to calm me down and her saying she will drive back and get my phone but I insist she take me home. We pull up the the gates and they open for us and i thank her and climb out the car.

I walk into the house and Romano runs I'm to me and kicks my leg. "Hey." I say and he barks back at me.

I kick my shoes off and run up that stairs. I fall onto the bed and let out a massive sigh. I am so angry with Ace right now it's double standards if I ever did that he would kill someone but no if he does it it's not a big deal.

I feel myself beginning to drift to sleep as I get angrier and angrier at Ace. The longer he isn't here the angrier I am getting so i decided to sleep and speak to him tomorrow.


I wake up and my arm flies over to see where Ace is but he isn't in the bed. I am still in yesterday's clothes and I look around the room and there is a glass of water and a note.

Hey gone to Rome I'll be home tonight
-Love A x

I completely forgot Ace was going to Rome and he's left in bad terms. I get out of bed and walk out the room. I walk down the stairs and stop walkway and my eyes go wide. The house is completely filled with roses and lilies red and white. I walk down the stairs and in to the kitchen.

There is another note on the counter. Next to the note is my purse.

I love you always. No girl will ever replace you so don't worry about them. It was stupid and I'm sorry.
-Always and forever Ace x

I grab my purse and call Ace. He doesn't pick up so I assume he is busy but as I walk away my phone begins to ring. I swipe answer and I hear his perfect voice.

"Hey Eiffel you ok." He says through the phone and i smile.

"Yeah I'm fine. I just woke up and wanted to tell you I love you." I say and I can't help but have a huge smile on my face when I say it.

"I love you too baby but how the bell did you sleep till 1pm." He says and i laugh.

"I have no idea." I say and we continue talking for 5 minutes.

"Baby I've got to go but I'll be home late tonight so I'll see you tomorrow morning." He says and I whine but I say goodbye.

I place my phone on the counter and Romano comes running over to me and I pull bacon out the fridge. I start cooking bacon in the pan and drop a piece on the floor for him.

"Don't tell Ace." I say and he barks back at me. I proceed to make a bacon sandwich and I hear the front door open.

"WHATS UP BITCH." I hear Harlow shout from the entrance.

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