Chapter Three | Ace's Place

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I was slightly tipsy.

I wasn't the largest drinker, so when I did it didn't take long for the alcohol to flood through my system.

I blamed the alcohol on why I agreed to go out with Harlow.

"You owe me big for tonight." kicking my feet onto the coffee table while she emerges from the bathroom in a little black dress.

"Noah is at his dads today and it is the first friday in months we have off together so you're coming. Thats final." She snaps, checking herself out in the mirror.

"If you wanna have a good night what you brining that prick up for?" i wrap my jacket around my waist cursing myself for forgetting to pay the heating bill.

"He's the father of my son, we can't forget he exists." she throws herself down on the couch beside me. She rests her head on my shoulder while the two of us wait for our cab.

"Im trying my best to forget he exists." I pat her on the leg while I jump up from the couch realising I was going to need another shot to brighten my mood up.

"You need to get laid." Harlow huffed. I frowned my brows and turned towards her with the tequila bottle in my hand.

"I know you've sworn off men since Killian, but you never know. Getting dick might widen your eyes." Harlow chuckled at whatever she was saying. There possibly could have been a joke within there, but my lack of any sexual experience made it fly right over my head.

"Were we heading tonight anyway?" quickly trying to switch up the conversation, I was a virgin and somehow I don't see that changing tonight so why even debate it.

"Some new club on Canal street." I knock back the liquor before biting down on a little bit of lime.

"Canal street. Why the hell we going there." I throw the fruit into the bin before offering Harlow the bottle.

"No apparently it's really cool. It's themed around cards" she climbs off the couch and enters the kitchen. It mad that sound like we live in some big apartment that has a living room and a kitchen.

It is all one room, with three doors, one bathroom and two bedrooms.

It was the most two teenage girls could afford.

"What do you mean, queen of hearts cocktails?" The amusement in my tone was a tad dramatic indicating the alcohol was well and truly burning through my veins.

"No, I actually think that is a thing." Harlow throws back the bottle before taking a large gulp, later following my actions of biting down on a lime.

"What's it called?" I take the bottle from her grasp and place it back onto the kitchen table while I try and find the cap.

"Ace's place." I freeze my search and turn towards her.

"What a fucking jack off name." I frown but continue looking around the kitchen until I spy it slightly underneath the microwave.

"Yeah, well. Your going so get your shoes on the cab will be here soon." Harlow demands, practically stomping her foot and pointing her finger as if I was her child.


"Girl you look fucking hot!" Harlow shouts over the music, it is slightly quieter in the bathroom but the amount of alcohol she's had I doubt she could even tell. I fluff my hair in the toilet mirror while Harlow reapplies her lipgloss.

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