𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝟿𝟸 - 𝙴𝚡𝚙𝚘𝚜𝚎𝚍

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I slowly open my eyes and realise I am in Aces arms, we are laid on a hospital bed and the machines are beeping around us. One of his hands is on my stomach and the other hand is around my neck snuggling into me. I shuffle in my sleep and Ace wakes next to me. "Hey im sorry." I say, my throat is dry leaving my voice sounding croaky.

"No it's fine. You feeling ok." he says and I nod my head. My head ache is still there and my neck is sore but feel fine, I can imagine I have a few scratches on my face and bruises but I just feel exhausted.

"Ac" I begin to speak but Ace pulls me towards him and kisses my head.

"You promised you would never do this again." he says and I shrug my shoulders. "I know this isn't your fault but you scared the hell out of my Eiffel. I cant lose you." He says and my heart aches in my chest.

I love Ace with every fibre of my being but I am not sure how many time we can overcome an incident like this, if its not a car crash its a medical issue. If we aren't arguing we aren't talking, its back and forth between us. I know he doesn't want it to be like this but this is draining me. none of these are his fault but it makes me think maybe the universe is trying to tell me that me and Ace are just not meant to be together, maybe we aren't meant to have this baby together. I was told I could not have children and then when I do miraculously get pregnant I am in a car accident the same week. I am terrified. I am in way over my head here, I need my mom. I need someone to comfort me. to tell me that this is all going to be ok, that everything will work out in the end but I don't. Harlow has her own life now, she has a fiancée and two beautiful baby boys which one just turned 2. I can not burden her with all this. Ace Is either working or dealing with my mood swings, there is only so much I can go to him for.

I rest my head into Ace and I place my hand on his chest. I look up at Ace and I freeze, I sit up straight away and my hands move straight to my stomach. "Shh baby it is fine they are running tests right now." he says and that doesn't ease me at all.

He runs his hands through my hair and I wince, " Ace everywhere aches." I say and he just holds me. I lean closer to him and wrap my arms around his neck.


Ace has been force feeding me hospital food and It is making me feel sick. "Ace I swear to god if you don't get that way from me you will be wearing it" I say as I push the fork away from me. he chuckles and puts the fork back on the tray. Aces family are on the other side of the room and Ace is sat on the bed with me.

A doctor walks in the room and I lean into Ace. my hands are shaking I am so nervous I am just praying the baby is healthy. I am around 3 weeks pregnant now, it is hardly anything and I know that miscarriages happen in-between the first two months of the 1st trimester but I am trying to stay positive.

"Mrs Marino?" he says and I nod my head and sit up in the bed. I squeeze Ace hand and turn my attention to the doctor.

"We ran some tests and they concluded that you are completely fine. You may experience some sore muscles or a head ache but nothing pain killer can not fix the crash resulted I you having a mild concussion it nothing so serious. We also ran some tests on the baby, they came back all positive nothing to alarming. Your baby is safe and healthy but we would like to keep you in for the night to monitor your Vitals and you should be free to leave tomorrow."the doctor says and I let out a sigh of relief. I lean into Ace further and her wraps his arms around me in a protective hold. the doctor checks the machines then leaves the room.

"See I told you baby she's a fighter just like her mama." he said, I begin to cry and he wipes my tears away kissing my lips.

"Baby?" Anna says causing my eyes to widen. I just snuggle my head into Aces chest and let him break the news I am far to exhausted.

"Yeah Eiffel is pregnant." Ace says and i squeeze his shirt, it is covered in my blood but I don't care I just want to be close to him right now.

"WHAT." Geanie shouts and i place my hands over my ears. The scream egos through my head and i wince in pain, Ace rubs my head and I relax into him.

While Aces family freak out amongst themselves at each other's reactions I pull away from Ace and look into hair eyes. "Are you ok." I ask and he nods his head.

"Yeah I'm perfectly fine. You're just a lot more fragile than I am." He says making my laugh. I rest my forehead against his and close my eyes, he pulls me close to him and the arguing slowly fades off into the distance as I focus on Ace.

"Guys stop. Look" Kate says and they all shut up and look at me and Ace. Neither of us move we just stay gosling each other and they all Awh.

"Ok are you all done now." Ace snaps and pulls away from me, I lay my head in his chest and he rubs my temples in circles.

"How long have you known and not told us." Leonardo asks and Ace just pulls me close.

"Around a week or so." I say and they all sigh. I just ignore their reactions and hug Ace.

"Regardless for them not telling us we're going to have a new baby in the family so shut up and congratulate them." Harlow snaps and everyone looks at her.

They all begin to congratulate us and I finally feel happy. Like genuinely happy, not the happiness I have faked for year I genuinely feel like this is we're I am ment to be. Every doubt about me and Ace leaves my head and I look around the room. I look at my family.

I've never had a family before but this feel right. This feels like home. Ace kisses the top of my head and i sink into his chest, I close my eyes and drift off to sleep as Aces family discuss the gender.

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