Chapter 14 | Gym

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"Ace I can walk on my own." I say as I kick my legs. He is carrying me to the gym, this is the first time I am at Aces work and half of his men are seeing my ass before my face.

"ACE" I yell and he just slaps my ass making my Yelp. I be quiet and accept defeat as we walk into the gym. His entire family is here and he walks in with me on his shoulder.

Ace places me on the ground. "We brought you clothes." Kate says as she hands me a bundle of clothes and turns and walks away. I'm not sure if she likes me or not,she doesn't really talk to me. However Alessandro and Leonardo say they class me as another little sister which makes me smile as I've never even had a family let alone an older brother. Now I have two.

"Thank you." I say and she just stops walking but then continues again. Me and Harlow walk to the bathroom, next door to change. Kate gave me a black Calvin Klein sports bra and some black shorts, she give me some black Nike airVapor max and some socks.

Once we are changed we walk back into the gym and everyone is already sweating. I go and sit on a bench at the side and watch as Ace walks through the door wearing nothing but black shorts. My mouth drops open and I quickly shut it before he realises but when I look again he had a massive smirk in his face.

"Come in Eiffel." Leo shouts and then Harlow laughs.

"Eiffel, in a gym. I had to pay her 60 bucks to join the cheer team. She doesn't do exercises." Harlow laughs. She's right I don't, I am just blessed with a fast metabolism.

Everyone just laughs and Aces mom makes her way towards me and we start talking. I am snapped out of our conversation when I hear Ace call my name. I apologise to Anna and make my way towards Ace.

"You good." I ask and he smiles and nods his head.

He stand in front of the mirror and I take out my phone and quickly take a photo. He has his arm wrapped around me and his head tucked into the crook of his neck. I can feel the sweat on his chest as he presses my back firmly into him but I don't mind.

"Ok Ace are you actually going to do something or hug your girl the whole time

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"Ok Ace are you actually going to do something or hug your girl the whole time." Leo says as he lifts a weight.

"I can do both." Ace says. Before I know what he is doing he has span me around and picked me up. I instinctively wrap my legs around his waist. He begins to do squats and for every squat he places a kiss on my lips.

"You guys are so cute. Eiffel you broke our Ace." Geanie says as she walks into the gym and takes a seat next to Anna.

Ace stops and places me on the ground with my back flat against the mat. "What are you doing." I say as he climbs on top of me into a press-up position. He then begins to do press-ups and kisses me every time he bends down. One of the times Antonio is watching he begins to show off and bend down and kiss me for longer. His tongue swipes across my bottom lip and I open giving his access. His tongue dances with mine and then he pulls away and pushes up flashing Antonio an award winning smile. He just flips Ace off causing him to erupt into laughter.

We have been in the gym for around an hour and Kate announced she wants to go to the training area now. Me and Harlow exchange a confused look but follow Antonio and Ace.

They lead us out of the gym and into a darker room, this one doesn't have fun equipment but target practise and a ring. Me and Harlow look at each other and realise we are in far over our heads.

Kate walks over to the knives and looks at them for a seconds. She selects a purple one and takes it in her left hand, she fixes her stance and once she is happy she looks towards the target and then let's lose. She throws the knife and it hits bulls eyes.

I then look next to her to Leonardo doing the same, as I look around the room I notice Alessandro walking towards the guns. He copies Kate, he selects one, angling his body he pulls back the gun. He raises his hand and focus on the target. With one loud bang there is a hole on the bullseye.

We turn to Ace and Antonio with wide eyes and they just laugh.

"And what are you two doing, they are actually doing things your just stood here." Harlow says to Antonio and he stops laughing.

"Well me and Ace are going to spare." He says and looks down at Harlow.

"No no no, he is not messing up your face." Harlow says and Ace laughs.

"Your not going to protest like she is." Ace turns to me and removes a strand of hair for me face.

I shake my head and respond. "No because I have faith in you, something she lacks in her boyfriend." I laugh and so does he. He places a gentle kiss on my lips and walks over to a table full of tape. I follow him and take one. I grab Aces hand and begin the tape up his hand.

"When did you-" Ace begins but I interrupt him.

"Highschool, My friend dated a guy who was into boxing, we would hang out for hours at the gym and I picked it up." I say as I continue to wrap his hands.

"What was high school like. We never got to go we where sent straight to the academy after home school." Antonio questions. "You two don't seem the brightest, so what was it like."

"I actually am quiet intelligent it's Eiffel who is the dumb one. I even had to." I interrupt her by coughing.

"You sure you erm want to say that out loud H." I say and she realises.

"No tell me we wanna know." He says and Ace nods his head.

"Well Eiffel was failing all her classes so." Harlow begins again.

"So she slept with my modern languages teacher and he changed all my grades so I got to graduate." I laugh and she turns red.

"I told you I didn't sleep with him I was captain of the cheer team I had connections." Harlow spits.

"Aww yeah connections it wasn't the fact you wore a ridiculously short skirt." I laugh and finish wrapping Aces hands.

"So one of your friends dated boxers, she dates teachers who did you date." Ace questions and I look down.

"No one, no one ever asked me out." I say and Harlow then says.

"Shut the fuck up yea they did. Kieran Parker asked you to prom and you said no. Ace she's talking shit guys asked her out all the time she just turned them down because they where's good enough. Guess she was just waiting for you." Harlow laughs as she plays with her hair.

"Awh I'm the only guy you've ever dated." Ace says as he lifts me up off the ground and I wrap my legs around his waist. My hands fly up to his shoulders to support myself. He then whispers in my ear. "The are also incredibly sexy." I just blush and kiss his soft lips.

"Alright come in Ace." Antonio says and Ace drops me to the floor. His hands linger in my ass for longer than they should and then he walks away towards the ring. Me and Harlow walk towards a bench beside the ring and watch as the guys enter it.

Ace and Antonio begin to circle each other and then Antonio goes to punch Ace but he dodgers and counters by punching Antonio right in the jaw. Harlow clamps her eyes shut but I can't seem to tare my eyes from Ace.

I continue watching Ace, I wince a few time when Antonio connects to his skin but Ace doesn't seem to mind. Harlow can't watch she has he head in my neck and I think she even fell asleep.

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