𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝟷𝟷𝟼 - 𝚃𝚛𝚒𝚘

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I lean my head back and look at Ace with the baby in his arms. I let out a cry and he laughs. "How the hell you just deliver a baby and look this pretty." Ace says brushing a hair off my face.

"I love you." I say and the nurses all awh making me laugh

"Congratulations." The nurse says. "Have you got a name for her." She continues and I look at Ace and he laughs.

"Ruth." Ace says in a joking voice.

"Babe we are not calling her Ruth. Josie." I snap while Ace looks at me and i laugh.

"That's ok, you can just fill out the forms once you have both agreed." She says and leaves the room.

"Freaking Ruth, Ace our baby isn't 90" I say and he laughs.

"I was joking babe." He says and i huff. "I can't believe you just did that." Ace says and i smile. I look at her in Aces arms and I feel my heart swell.

"We should name her with either an A or E." I say and he laughs.

"Why not C then our initials spell Ace." He says and i look at him with an annoyed look in his face.

"No, that would only work if we have 3 kids you dumbo." I say making him roll his eyes.

"Fine pick a letter A or E." he says and i choose A.

"Amanda." He asks and i shake my head.

"Ariel." I say and he chuckles.

"Baby she isn't a mermaid. How about Aria." He asks and i shake my head.

"Ayah." I say and he looks at me.

"Ayah." He replies nodding his head. He sits down in the bed and hands her to me. "You know what it means." He says and i shake my head looking up at him. "Sign from god." He says and i looks down at her.

"What about middle name." I ask stroking her cheek and he chuckles.

"Fleur." He replies and i nod my head.

"Hey baby girl. Your so cute." I say as I kiss her forehead. I hold her close to me and Ace strokes his finger across her head. Her tiny hand wraps around Aces index finger and my heart does a backflip.

"Ace she's gorgeous

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"Ace she's gorgeous." I cry and he looks at me. He kisses my lips and the door opens. Aces parents walk in and his mother begins to cry.

"Oh my good my first granddaughter." She cries and makes her way towards the bed. I hand Ayah to Ace and I have a cramp in my lower stomach.

"Harlow." I shout and she makes her way towards me. "I just pushed a baby out." I say and she laugh.

"Fucking hurts doesn't it." She says and i nod my head laughing. I stop laughing as I feel a contraction, " don't worry it's just your uterus going back to it's normal shape after you push a baby out." She says and my heart beat returns to normal.

"Congratulations." Everyone says and i smile. "So do you have a name." Massimo says and i look at Ace.

I nod my head and he smiles. He looks down at Ayah, looking up and smiling he says, "Ayah fleur Marino ." He says and i squeeze Harlows hand and she smiles.

"She's beautiful E. I am so proud of you." She says and i laugh.

Everyone takes it in turns to hold Ayah, Kate surprisingly took a liking to her and I can't help but smile. Everyone makes there way out the room and leave me and Ace with Ayah.

The doctor walks in a few minutes later and puts on a pair of gloves. "So we have to do a few tests on her if that's ok" i just nod my head and Ace sighs next to me.

They take her temperature and test her hearing. They do a jaundice test on her and they all come back clear. She has one more test and that's a blood test, they have to do a small prick on her heel and Ace is fuming.

I hold her close to my chest as the doctor slowly pricks her heel, Ayah begins to cry and Ace rolls his eyes. He already has become so protective over her that he is going to kill this doctor just for running a routine test in her. I reach my hand out and he takes it walking over to me, he brushes over Ayah hair and she calms slowly. She has a good amount of hair on her hair and it's all jet black.

"Ok would you like to try breastfeeding." The man says and Ace huffs, if he wasn't angry before he will be now at just the idea of a man being here while i Breastfeed.

"Yeah I can give it a go." I say and the man leaves the room. Ace sighs and looks down at Ayah, "Ace, you've got to calm down he's doing his job." I say and he huffs.

Ayah has her eyes open looking up at me and i smiles down at her. She slowly begins to frown and then her frown becomes a cry. I rock her back and forth and Ace looks at me.

"I think she's hungry." He says and i huff.

"You just want me to get my-" I say and he interrupts me by laughing. I lower the hospital gown and she instantly works her little lips around my nipple and sucks.

"Owww." I say and Ace looks at me with a smile. I reach my hand out and squeeze his hand once he places his in mine. Ayah sucks and I can feel the milk come out as it cracks my nipple.

"Ace this is worse than labour." I say and he chuckles shaking his head.

"I can't believe you did that by the way. You cry at everything, you did it without an epidural." He says and i smile.

I stroke Ayahs head, she has her eyes close as she sucks and I just watch her. The pain is still there but it's worth it watching her. Ace sits on the couch and I rock her in my arms.

"E are you tired you haven't slept in days." He says and i nod my head. Ayah removes her lips from my nipple and I pull my top back up, I turn her around so her head is on my shoulder and I rub her back.

"Pass her to me and you get some sleep." Ace says and i shake my head.

"You sure I can stay awake if you want to sleep." I say and he looks at me annoyed.

"Eiffel you just pushed her out, I'm sure your the one that needs the sleep not me." He says and i laugh. I gently hand Ayah to Ace and he sits on the couch.

She starts to whine in his arms and he frowns. He looks down at her and sways her back and forth. "Ace try skin to skin contact, it help baby feel close to you." I say and he huffs. I hold my arms out and he places her in my arms as he removes his jacket and shirt.

"Now if that nurse walks in I swear to god I'll break her face." I huff and he laughs.

"Is somebody jealous." He says as he takes Ayah from me again and sits back down. He lays her on his chest and rubs his hand up and down her back. She is wrapped up in the cutest little pink blanket I've ever seen and Ace has out a little pink matching hat on her.

"Shhhh." I say closing my eyes, I lay in their direction and i hear Ace talking to her.

"Look at your pretty mama." Ace coos to her and I smile, I keep my eyes closed by my heart swells in my chest.

"You know your mama is just as perfect as you." He says and I blush. I keep my eyes closed and fall asleep to Aces voice as he talks to our princess.

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