Chapter 16 | Plane

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It has been a few days since me and Harlow decided we would move to Italy. We spent the days with the girls packing up the apartment and watching Netflix.

Today is the day we move to Italy, I am really scared. I have never been in a plane before, when we moved to New York we took cabs, it cost an arm and a leg but I was not getting in a plane. Ace doesn't know I'm scared of plane but he is about to find out.

I am wearing a nude tracksuit but I rolled the sweatshirt up so my Calvin Klein is showing. I paired this with my new trainers Ace bought me and one of Harlows necklaces. I have minimal make up only concealer and mascara.

 I have minimal make up only concealer and mascara

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There is a knock at my bedroom door and it is Ace. I turn and his eyes immediately fix on my chest. "Oh god you look unreal. You are aware we are on a plane for 11 hours." Ace says as he proceeds to bite his lip.

"Shut up you perv, yeah but we are with your entire family I don't want to look like I just woke up." I say and he laugh.

"Baby you could wear a bin bag and still look this good. Your beautiful and they know that." He says and I blush. I grab my bag and walk over to Ace and give him a kiss. We make our way out the apartment after we have checked we haven't forgot anything.

Ace had some of our things shipped during the last few days but he said to leave clothes he can buy me new one. He said the same about makeup and perfume as well, he was going to say the same about jewellery but he knows some of my necklaces where my moms so he just let me be.

We climb into our cars, me and Ace are driving to the airport and Harlow and Noah are driving with Antonio behind in a black G-Wagon.

"Ace." I say and he replies with a hum as he focuses on driving. It is dark outside as it is only 3 am in the morning, Ace said he likes flying at night it adds to the whole effect.

"I'm scared." I say and Aces head shoots to the side and then goes back looking at the road, his hand in my thigh begins to rub my leg which calms my nerves ever so slightly.

"Why baby." He says as he moved his hand to change gear but places it back higher than before making me smile.

"I don't like planes." I say and look down playing with my hands.

"Awww Eiffel, look it is perfectly safe do you think I would put you and my entire family in a plane that isn't safe. And anyway you flew to New York didn't you from Washington that was fine." Ace replies as he draws patterns on my leg which begin to calm me.

"Actually we drove, Noah wouldn't have took the flight very well so we got cabs me and Jack in one Harlow and Noah in the other. God that was a night mare. Stuck in a car with that bastard for hourS." I say rolling my eyes at the memory.

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