𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝟿𝟺 - 𝚄𝚕𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚜𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚍

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I am around a month and a half pregnant now, today is my first ultrasound. My appointment is this afternoon and Ace had to work so I came along.

"I'm bored." I say, I lean back against the couches and look at the ceiling. I kick my feet and place my hands on my stomach, I take my phone out my pocket and text but he doesn't reply.

Ace is in a meeting right now, I have nothing to do in the office. I spin around on his desk chair and the door opens minutes later.

"Hello beautiful." Ace says as he walks in. He sits and watches me as I sit on his desk.

"Hello." I say making him smile. I stand from his chair and jump on his desk. He walks over to me and sits on his desk chair, I swing my legs and pull his chair closer.

"What are your meetings about." I ask and he huffs. I lean forwards and wrap my arms around his neck and he pulls some closer. He places his hands on my waist and pulls me onto his lap.

I place my hands on his jacket and pull it over his arms. I gently kiss his lips as my alarm goes off. "Ooo we gotta go." I say and he lets out a massive sigh.

I stand from him and spin around. He grabs my waist and pulls me to sit on him. "Ace" I say and he hums into my side as he moves my hair across one shoulder.

His hands wrap around my waist and pull me closer so my ass grazes across his pants. "Ace stop been horny for one we have somewhere to go." I say and he chuckles into my shoulders. He rests his forehead onto my back and I stand up.

I turn around and take his hands, I pull him up and he hesitantly follows me out the door. "I know your looking at my ass" I say as I literally drag him through the warehouse.

"Not a crime." He says, I roll my eyes and walk down
Ok the stairs. As we reach the bottom I start to feel a little sick, I squeeze Aces hand and he picks me up. I wrap my legs around his waist and he carries me out the warehouse.

We reach the car and he climbs into the back of a Range Rover. He struggles to get in but manages, he repositions us and I lay my head in his chest. He rubs my back and I sigh in relief.

"You ok E" Ace asks and i nod my head. I hold into his suit jacket and he kisses my hair. I shake my head and he frowns and I shake my head again.

I look up and frown at him and he chuckles, "Awh baby." He says and cups my cheeks. I lean my forehead down and he kisses it, I snuggle into his chest and kiss his collar bone.


The nurse calls our name and I stand up, Ace is sat on his phone and his head snaps up when they say my name. "Ace." I say and he takes my hand and we stand up.

We walk i the the room and Ace lifts me onto the bed, "the doctor will be here in a minute get comfortable." She says and leaves the room.

"Comfortable she joking this is like a rock." I say as I move further up the bed. Ace rolls his eyes and I take his hand.

I look around the room and Ace watches me, "this room is such an ugly colour." I huff. "Like seriously could atleast paint it a nice shade not green." I continue and Ace just rolls his eyes.

"E I love you but stop complaining." He says and i huff. I reposition myself on the bed and place my hands on my stomach.

"Ace can I ask you something." I say and he nods his head and i smile. "Tell me the truth promise." I say and hold my little finger out. He wraps his around mine, "do I look fat today." I ask and he sighs.

"You could never look fat baby you are perfect." He replies and i smile. I can feel the blush wash over my cheeks as he looks at me, "what." He says and kisses my head.

"I just love you." I say and the doctor opens the door, I hold Aces hand while he introduces himself. Ace stays quiet with a scowl on his face as he realises the doctor is a man.

"Calm down." I whisper, I rub my thumb over the back of his hand and he smiles. I lift up my top to just below my bra and the doctor lays a sheet over my bottom half and I lower my shirt.

Ace sighs and i squeeze his hand to calm him down, the man squirts the gel on my stomach and i his from the cold sensation.

"So Eiffel have you been taking your prenatal victims ." The doctor asks and I smile nodding my head. "Great" the man says as he turns the machines on.

The man takes the probe and spreads the gel around, I look up at Ace and he is looking down at me. His hand brushes my hair off my forehead and elands down to kiss me.

We look into each other eyes as the man looks at the screen. The room fills with the sound of the baby's heart beat. I gasp and I feel the tears pools in the corner of my eyes. I look away from Ace and look at the screen, "heart beat sound healthy." The doctor says and i tune out to what he says."

"And that right there is your baby." The man says and I point to the screen. "It is around the size of a poppy seed." He says and i awh.

He continues talking and I have no idea what he is talking about. I just listen to the heartbeats and lean my head on Aces arm, I squeeze his hand and he smiles.

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