𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝟷𝟸𝟾 - 𝙱𝚎𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚒𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚎𝚗𝚍 𝙿𝚝 𝟸

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"Hey beautiful." Xavier hisses in my direction and my whole body tenses. His eyes flick from me to Ayah and Ace holds her close to him, she buries her head into his chest and cries.

"Wow this got even more exciting." He says and i frown. Ace and I stand from the chairs and he pushes me behind his back.

His hold on Ayah has become more protective and his shielding my body with his own. I look at Xavier and he has a gun in his hand.

He raises it and point sit at Ace, he turns and protects Ayah as the gun shot echoes around the room.

Everything happened so fast, Ace was holding Ayah and the next thing I knew she was screaming and the bang went off. Her screams echoed through the room piercing my ears and breaking my heart.

I feel a pain in my chest and I place my hands on my right side. I rub circles then bring my hand away, the pain increases and I look down at my hands. "Ace." I shout and he turns to look at me.

His eyes go wide and mine follow his glare, I look at my chest. My dress is covered in blood already and my breathing is painful, I don't know what happened next but I was in Aces arms and he was above me.

I heard another gun shot but Ace was above me and he look fine. My breaths became shallow and the pain increases. "No, your ok Eiffel" he says as he apply pressure to my chest.

I can feel the tears flow down my cheeks and he shakes his head pushing his fingers deeper onto the wound applying pressure . My whole body is shaking and my breathing is becoming more shallow and painful with every breath.

I look up at Ace and i feel the blood trickle down from my mouth, his free hand wipes the blood away as tears pool in his eyes.

"Eiffel don't you dare leave me." He cries above me and i shake my head.

"N..ne. Never." I struggle to get my words out and he shakes his head. I cough and blood fires out my mouth onto the floor next to me.

"LEO. DAD ANYONE" he shouts through the house and I just look up at him. I study every feature in his face as the tears fall from his eyes. I never thought I would see the day Ace Marino cried but that day seems to be my last.

"A..Ace I'm s sc.scared." I say coughing up the blood. He pulls brushed the hair off my forehead placing a kiss in its place.

"Please don't leave me." He grunts and I hear footsteps approach. I close my eyes and he shakes me. "No Eiffel keep them open." He says and I slowly open them and look up at him.

"I know it hard but focus on me baby." He says and i nod slowly blinking, as I open my eyes it seems they take forever for them open. With every blink they close more and more every time until they close and everything goes black and i no longer can open them. Aces voice becomes a distant memory and everything goes silent.


I sway my hips, travelling my hands up by my waist and around my neck, not once breaking eye Contact with him. He was watching me and only me.

I spin around and my backs towards him and i brush my hair over one shoulder and turn my head to look at him. His lip is curled up into a smirk and his eyes roam my body as I move in time to the rhythm.


I sway my hips as I lift the pan from the stove, I take the spatula and lift the pancake onto the plate. I hear someone clear there throat and I spin around to see a shirtless Ace in the doorway.

"I made pancakes." I giggle and he watches me. I walk over to the kitchen island and bring the strawberries and whipped cream. I draw a halo above my pancake and devil horns on Aces.

I lean over and kiss his lips, he tangled his hand into my hair and deepens the kiss pulling me into his lap.


Ace lifts me off the ground and I wrap my legs around his waist, he begins to do squats and kisses my lips every time he stands back up. His hands are on my ass supporting my waist but I can't help but feel warm inside.

He leans down and places me flat against the gym floor, he hovers over me in a press-up position and kisses my lips. When he pushes back up he looks into my eyes and i giggle at him, I get lost in his eyes and I know I could see myself falling in love with this man.

He leans down and kisses me, when he knows Antonio is watching he swipes his tongue across my lips and it enters my mouth. When he pulls away Antonio flips him off and Ace collapses next to me and we both erupt into laughter.

Ace cracks an egg over my head and I erupt into a giggling fit. "Oh you did not just do that." I say and he smirks at me.

I grab the milk and throw it over him. He gasps and takes the floor through it over me, I cough and it flies out my mouth onto his suit. We both laugh as his Nonna walks into the kitchen and takes in the scene in front of her.
I open my eyes and there are millions of roses and lilies in front of me. I turn my head to see the Eiffel Tower lit up in good lights and a smile creeps across my face.

I spin around and see Ace on one knee and the wind is knocked out of me. My mind clears and every nightmare or abuse I have endured seems to be worth it by just realising how in love with this man I am. Nothing will ever compare to this love. We are Forever.
I dance around Aces office and he watches me as he sits at his desk. I sway my hips and flip my hair and he chuckles at me.

I climb into his desk and he looks up at me, i laughs and spin around. "Alright you've had your fun now let me work." He says and i shake my head crouching down in front of him.

I stand from the desk and take his hand, he I spin around under his arm and my back crashes against his front.

"I love you." I laugh and he kisses the top of my head.

"I love you too." He replies and i spin around.

I open my eyes and I'm in a room I don't recognise, i am laid on a bed looking at the ceiling and I turn my head and see Ace. He is looking at me,studying every inch of my face as if to say when he looks away I'll disappear.

"I don't think I'm afraid anymore." I say and he removes a strand of hair from my face and tucks it behind my ear. He cups my cheek and leans forward to kiss me. Our lips meets and I feel complete again, I feel like my whole life as been leading up to this one moment.

When I pull away he frowns and I go to hug him but he slowly disappears. I look around and everything begins to turn into darkness until I'm alone again.

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