𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝟾𝟿 - 𝙰𝚙𝚙𝚘𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝

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I stir in my sleep to the sound of Ace shouting in Italian. I stretch and roll onto his side and hug his pillow. I whine as he shouts, I stretch my legs out and wrap my legs into the sheets.

"Acee shut uppp." I whine as I grab a pillow and put it over my head. He continues talking so I sit up in bed, I throw the pillow at him and it smacks him in the bed. He turns to look at me with an angry glare on his face.

I instantly regret my actions and scramble to get out of the bed, i grab Aces shirt and quickly out it in. Ace makes his way towards me and I jump over the bed to the other side. He moves to climb over the bed while hanging up the phone. I run around to the other side and he stops in the middle. I quickly decide to run into the bathroom and shut the door behind me. I slowly back away from the door, not once taking my eyes away from it.

As I back away I hit something solid. I instantly know it's Ace. "What the hell you can teleport now." I say making him laugh. I turn my head and notice the door from the closet into the bathroom. God sake I should have known this place would have multiple doors.

I make a move to run but he grabs my waist and pulls me back towards him. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to hit you. It was just thrown in your direction. I say as he lifts me off the ground.

"You love me I'm not a bad person." I cry making him laugh.

"I know you aren't you but hit me with a pillow." He says and i laugh.

"Oh I'm sorry was it to hard for you." I say and his grip tightens around me. God I'm brave today.

He places me on the counter and stands in between my legs. I place my hands on his chest and move up until I lock them behind his neck. "Ace." I say and he looks a me.

"Yeah." He replies rubbing his hands up and down my thigh. I take a deep breath and look at my legs.

"I'm scared." I state, I begin to play with my hands and pick at the skin around my nails. He take my hands in hiss and kisses them.

"I know you are but there is nothing to be scared of. What will be will be and we can't change that." He says. I nod my head, his words reassure me but there is still a part of me which is freaking out.

"Come on go get ready and we can leave" he says and i nod. I jump down from the counter with Aces help and skip off into the closet to kick my outfit.


I climb into the car and my nerves are in overload. I dig my nails into the palm of my hand to ease the anxiety but nothing seem to help. We aren't driving ourself so Ace take my hands and opens my palm. His finger traces over the crescent shapes indented i to the calm of my hand. I look up at him and send him a sympathetic smile and he just shakes his head smiling.

I lean into him and he take my head and rests it in his shoulder, I turn it and face his neck, he kisses my forehead and the car begins to move.

My knee is bouncing up and down, I can tell Ace is getting slightly annoyed with my so I try to control myself but I am far to nervous.

I loom through my bag for my phone and when I can't find it I let out a sigh. Ace reaches into his jacket pocket and hands me his. "You left it in charge in the room."he says and i nod my head taking his. He puts his arms around my waist and his hand snakes up my arm. He reaches my hand and put his password into his phone and I click on Instagram. I scroll through my feed and then look through my posts. I decide to delete one and Ace grabs my phone before I click delete.

"Absolutely not you look so pretty. He says and cancels the action. He hands me my phone back and I giggle. I swipe off Instagram and go on snapchat, Harlow has sent me a video of her and Antonio Tom last night and I click on it.

It's then having shots at the hotel bar, Ace shakes his head and i just giggle. I continue scrolling through my social media and in no time we have reached our appointment.

Ace climbs out the car and offers me his hand. I squeeze it's as I climb out the car. His hand snakes around my waist and guides me into the building. "Ace." I say and he nods his head.

"I know." He says and kisses my head as he opens the door for me. I walk in before him and he follows close behind, I tell the receptionist my name and she tells us to wait in the seating area.

I sit shuffle in my seat as I sit down, the nerves are unbearable as I pull as the skin around my nails. Ace is sat in his phone and i and bouncing my knee again.

The women says my name and my head snaps up. I reach for Aces hand and he stands up placing his phone in his pocket. He laces his fingers through with him and his other hand moves to his pocket. We walk in the direction of the women and she shows us to a room.

This room is very familiar to the room I was in with Gio and all them emotions come flooding back. This time is different this time I have Ace. Everything is going to be fine.

I sit in the chair and Ace sits next to me, he places his hand in my thigh and I lean into him. The doctor greets us and i smile and shake his hand. Ace seems nerves now which does not help me at all. The doctor tells us what teats he is going to be doing and it just consists of two a blood and urine sample.

I take the cup and walk out the room, as I walk to the bathroom my hands are shaking with every click of my heel. I finally reach the bathroom and my heart is beating out of my chest. Please be positive for Aces sake.

I take the test and leave it in the bathroom as instructed. I wash my hands and take a deep breath before I walk back to the room. Ace is sat in the same chair as before and his position had bit changed. His facial expression changed when he sees my face, it's as if he is happy to see me.

The doctor tells me to sit on the bed and Ace stand and steps ends to me. I roll my sleeves up and he places a band around my upper arm. I rest my head in Aces chest and he rubs circles in my back as the doctor inserts the needle. I screw my eyes shut as I feel the blood come out my arm.

The ache begins at the top of my arm as he extracts the blood. I grab Aces shirt and squeeze it in my hand, he just continues to comfort me and i frown form the pain.

The man removes the needle form my arm, he applies pressure to my arm with a cotton ball to stop the bleeding. He takes the cotton to my arm and i roll my sleeves back down. The man excuses himself with my blood sample and goes to run tests.

Ace helps me down from the bed and we sit back down in the chairs. He kisses my hand and laces his fingers through with mine. "Ace, I'm really worried." I say breaking the silence.

"Why." He says and j shrug my shoulders.

"I'm not sure. I just don't want to let you down I guess." I say looking at my shoes. He leans forwards and places his hand in my cheek turning my head to face him. Our foreheads rest together, his thumb brushes over my cheek and he kiss my lips gently.

"Eiffel. Whatever it says I love you." He says and j smile. I pull away from the kiss and lean into him. I hug his waist and he pulls me into his lap.

I am sat sideways and I wrap my arm around his neck when the door open. I don't even bother to live from Aces lap because I know he won't let me. The doctor comes in and i squeeze Aces shirt.

He talks about the samples and we both completely zoned out as he talks about them. "Now what you are probably wanting to know." He says and we both snap our head up. "Well I can confirm Mrs Marino you are pregnant congratulations."

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