Chapter 15

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It's my birthday on Saturday!!!!

Spock's mother was warm and welcoming, his father I didn't see apart from when we had arrived.

I was noticing things all around the house that reminded me of earth. Just little touches here and there. A brand of food imported, an ornament clearly brought over from earth.

Just little things.

I was sitting in the guest room meditating, it was the middle of the night and again I couldn't sleep. Thoughts were keeping me up, incoherent jumbled thoughts that were just bouncing around my head.

I was only focusing on one word at this point and it was Spock. I'm not sure what he was making me feel. I'd never came into contact with anything similar before. Emotion, it was all new to me.
No one had ever caused anything like that before.

I heard a soft knock on my door. "Come in" I said quietly, cautious of waking anyone up.
"Do you mind if I sit with you? I can't sleep either." Spock sighed.
"No of course not" I said, patting the place next to me on the bed.
"I'm sorry about my mother, she's emotional"
"Don't be, I think she's... Wonderful, emotion is not always a bad thing."
"More people should think like you." He said running his hands through his dark hair.

I'd never noticed how the light hit it before, it wasn't a blue black, it was solid black. It didn't shine in the light, it was as if it was a black hole, absorbing all light.
It was messy, he never wore it like that.

"You know, you suit your hair like that." I said matter of factly.

I moved my hand up and ran my hands through his hair, and much to my surprise he leaned into my hand.

And I found myself biting back a smile.

With him it was just little things.

Spock had left a few hours later and I had finally managed to sleep.

Vulcan wasn't turning into a nightmare after all.

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