Chapter 48

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Sheekuya na'na - A Vulcan beverage described as orange mint iced tea, served cold.
Ameelah- A Vulcan desert taste of fried bananas.
Do you ever just look at the little family that you've chosen and think that if I could be happy this would be it? I do, but I suppose it must be the fact that I'm a Vulcan and that I'm in denial about a lot of things, but when I look at Spock sitting under our tree decorated in the strangest of ways (I tinted test tubes with an array of different things and we managed to scrounge up some tinsel) with my completely last minute gift that I had about 15 hours to come up with (I gave him a few of George Orwell's books because I though he could appreciate the subtext and I gave him the Harry Potter series, a minding of one of the first 'dates' we went on.) it makes a warmth spread over me that I can only really describe as happiness.

"I think you'll be impressed with what I've got you." Spock said, leaning back and pulling a box out from behind the tree.
"When did you put that there?" I questioned, raising my eyebrow.
"When you were asleep." He replied, handing me the box wrapped in brown paper and tied with a string ribbon.
"And who wrapped this?"
"As it happens, Chekov excels at gift wrapping." He said, staring at me intently. "Are you going to open it?"
Ripping the paper off of the box and removing the lid I knew exactly what he had gotten me. "This would have been impossible to get last night." I said pointedly. "How long have you been planning Christmas?"
"Since October." He said looking down.
"Where did you get Sheekuya na'na?" I questioned, looking down at the bottle of my favourite drink.
"I actually met an old lady in Chicago selling it, obviously I bought out her stock." He said, getting up and pulling a large cardboard box out from under the bed and flipping the top off  it to reveal a lot more identical bottles.
"I knew there was a reason I was marrying you." I said pulling him down for a kiss.
"Was that humour?"
"Only because it's Christmas, I doubt it will ever happen again. But we're off topic, such a good gift needs a proper thank you." I say, pushing Spock down onto the bed.

"It's times like these I'm thankful that the quarters are soundproof." Spock said, climbing out of bed and moving to get ready and I did the same.
"That is a thought I often have." I retorted.

"What's this?" Bones asked, raising his eyebrows as I handed him a poorly wrapped present.
"Well it's quite obviously a book."
"I thought you guys weren't doing Christmas?"
"So did I." I shrugged. "But plans change and no matter how illogical the holiday is I can appreciate the sentiment."
"What is it?" Spock asked, appearing behind me after he had stopped to discuss something with an ensign.
"A book on medical advances in 2015." He said reading the back.
"They don't really do much but it's still interesting."
"Thanks." He laughed. "And I know you said no presents but I totally ignored you and got you two one anyway." He said disappearing and returning with a package and passing it to Spock. "It's also a book because I thought it's the kind of thing Vulcans would go for."
"'How to survive the next 6 to 8 months of logistical hell. A guide to keeping sane while planning a wedding.'" Spock read off the cover of the book.
"Yeah, wedding planning is a real bitch but divorce is worse." Bones laughed. "I speak from experience here."
"Well, we don't plan to get divorced."
"That's always a good start to any marriage." "What did you get the other guys anyway?"
"Esha got Lieutenant Uhura a book on the Vulcan language and I got the Captian ''The Koybaiashi Maru: A guide.""
"Sometimes I forget you guys can do humor and then stuff like this happens."

"What's this?" Nyota asked, looking down at her gift.
"Is the custom not to open it and find out? Apparently it's annoying to tell you what it is.." I replied. Humans were strange, if they were going to ask me what the gift was why did they get annoyed when I told them what it was?
"That sounds like something you would do." She laughed as she opened her gift. "What does this say? I can only understand a few words."
"The books partially in ancient Vulcan but the rest is a combination of standard and modern Vulcan so you could probably pick it up as you went along. Some parts of it I don't really understand but I thought you'd be better qualified to have it." I shrugged.
"No, I can't take this if its from Vulcan." She said handing the book back.
"I wouldn't have given you it if I wasn't ready to part with it." I said passing it back to her.
"I don't know what to say!"
"Merry Christmas?" I suggested. "No hugs, please. I'm already getting a headache with the amount of happiness today. It's ridiculously strong."
"That's Christmas." She shrugged laughing.

"So you actually want to cook this?" I asked Spock as we walked into the ships rather disused kitchen. With the ships ability to synthesise any food you wanted almost instantly there was no need for it. Or so I thought. "Well yes." Spock replied, rolling up his sleeves. "It's a Christmas custom to cook the food."
"And what do you want to cook again?"
"Vulcan foods. It may be a human holiday but that doesn't mean we have to do it exactly their way." He reasoned gathering ingredients. "It could even be a learning curve for you, considering the fact you can't cook."
"I can."
"You tried to make toast and set it in fire." Spock said, looking at me rather pointedly. "It's just heating bread, there's not much scope to go wrong there."
"Point taken, I'll follow your lead but this means I'll have to contact my mother to get recipes."
"Do you want me to do it?" He asked.
"No, we need to talk I suppose." I said, pulling my tablet towards me and video calling her.

"Hello, mother."
"What do you want?" She replied. "I'm extremely busy."
"Do you still have copies of grandmothers recipes?"
"Why would you want them?"
"We're cooking." I said as though it should be obvious, because it should. "Don't be illogical."
"Don't tell me you're celebrating that ridiculous Christmas thing?" She said, sneering.
"Email me them, mother." I sighed hanging up.

"Did she send them?"
"Funnily enough, yes.
"I think it would be logical to keep you away from any pyrotechnics." Spock said, passing me a bowl.

"You guys came!" Jim laughed, "that's a surprise."
"And we brought food." I said, dumping all the containers on the table that was surrounded by all of our friends and decorated all... Christmassy.
"Proper Vulcan food." Spock said, following me in with his own mountain of containers.
"How much did you make?" Uhura asked, starting to pull covers off of various dishes.
"We actually didn't think this would be enough." Spock said, standing back and looking at all the food. "But when you look at it now it is a lot."
"What even is it?"
"Food." I said, raising my eyebrow.
"Those are those banana things!" Bones said swooping in and grabbing an Ameelah.
"Ameelah doesn't have bananas in it and it's a dessert." I said, rolling my eyes.
"Look at me, bending the rules." He laughed.
"Anarchism is everywhere." Sulu deadpaned and checkov snorted.
"You are not veiry funny, you know ziz right?"

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