Chapter 54

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The cool night air of Vegas was a promise of what was to come. I could already hear the shouts of revellers, I could already hear the clanging of coin slots and I could already see people stumbling along drunk.

"So this is where we go our separate ways!" T'pring announced, clapping her hands together which caused her rings to clack against each other. "What are you on about?" I questioned as Uhura began to steer me towards a cab. "You're robbing us of the chance to give you guys bachelor parties!" She groaned in response before continuing, "we had to do something!"

"This is highly illogical." Spock protested as bones shoved him towards another cab.
"You'll see each other at the altar!" Kirk called out, jumping into the car.
"Hotel rooms?" I questioned as my friends continued to drag us in opposite directions.
"Booked them!" T'pring declares before sliding into the cab.

"Where to ladies?" The cabbie asks, flashing us a smile, one which only Uhura returns although that was no surprise. "I know just the place!" She laughs, leaning forward and whispering to the cabbie. "We can still hear you Nyota." T'pring sighs with an eye roll as humans always seem to forget about our superior hearing.

16 minutes later I was sat at a table in a male strip club with my two friends, along with two random strangers we had just met.

The pair consisted of a man and a woman. The woman -Ellie- was from what I had gathered, intimidatingly tall, built for sports like American football and loud. She was, despite all this, still feminine. She had shoulder length blonde hair that fell in deliberately messy waves and piercing green eyes. What I found the most interesting about her was that in this city where the dress code seemed to be sky high stilettos and glittery dresses that clung like a second skin, she had chosen Doc martins and thrown a flannel shirt over her black dress.

The guy was called Rhys and he didn't pique my interest half as much. He was average hight, skinny of build and had floppy hair that fell over one brown eye. He wore a shirt with some obscure nerdy pop culture reference and had a weak chin.

"So what brings you to a strip club?" Ellie shouted over the pounding bass of the music before breaking eye contact to wink at a passing lady. "Last minute bachelorette party." I shrugged, before taking a swig of my... whatever Uhura had bought me.
"So are you and the lucky fellow eloping to get married by Elvis?" She smirked and I replied with a "something like that."

"So what brings you here?" T'pring questioned and Ellie shrugged in response, knocking back another shot. "I like Vegas, and no trip to Vegas is complete unless you end up in a few strip joints knocking back cheap drink."
"You don't look like the Vegas types." Uhura questioned.
"We are definitely not." Rhys chimed in with a snort. "Oh god no." He laughed, flicking his hair out of his eyes.
"I always have a soft spot for scantily clad men and women who think I'm interesting based off of my accent." Ellie shouted in her defence before becoming side tracked by a passing woman.

Another 49 minutes later we were in another bar. While T'pring flirted for free drinks, which was strange to witness, Uhura and I we're having a conversation that didn't involve her yapping like a frenzied terrier.

"You're getting married soon." She stated, words falling flatly.
"It's illogical to remind me of this."
"If I wasn't trying to have a serious conversation with you I'd take a drink." She chuckled.
"I'm always serious." I said with a roll of my eyes.
"Have you thought this through completely?" Uhura questioned me, brown eyes full of genuine concern. "Not that I'm trying to talk you out of it or anything. You guys have been together for a couple years now but it's not been the easiest time. I want you guys to be sure."
I sighed deeply before gathering my words. "I doubted that it would work too, so we broke it off. There's an old human saying, I honestly think it's song lyrics but it still conveys meaning, "you only know you love them when you let them go.""
"First of all." Uhura giggled. "That's definitely song lyrics and secondly, did you just admit to loving someone?"
"Don't go telling him, he'll only let it go to his head." I joked, hint of a smile playing on my lips.

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