Chapter 51

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"I expect everyone back on time! I have no issues with leaving people on earth!" Kirk called as the crew of the enterprise all left in various directions on our brief shore leave. The enterprise was in the bay for a brief service and refuel and the crew was making the most of the summer weather considering that they had chattered nonstop about how the weather would be nonstop.

To me, this shore leave was merely a mild weekend that I had to spend with my mother. I had Spock to thank for that. Luckily my mother was staying in the city and I hopefully wouldn't have to spend to long under her scornful glares.

"I can not wait to get back to the apartment and put the heating on full blast." Spock murmured as we walked through the bright streets. There was a notable difference in the amount of Vulcans that called earth home and I didn't want to dwell on this fact but it was unavoidable, pushing its way to the forefront of my mind no matter what I thought of.

"You're troubled?" He questioned as he stuck his hand out to hail a cab.
"There's just... So many Vulcans here. It's not home, they shouldn't have to do this."
"There was nothing more we could have done."
"I know."

Pushing through the door to our little apartment, I collapsed on the sofa with a sigh of relief. It was nice to be absolutely and completely alone. No chances of interruption, no random shift changes or anything. We were alone and free from interruptions.

Spock, true to his word, immediately made a bee line for the thermostat and set it ridiculously high. America, even on its warmest days could be like autumn to me and I really was a "hot house orchid."

"Did you know your mothers staying on some farm about two hours drive from the city?"
"Why would she be sating on a farm?" I asked raising my eyebrow. "Has she suddenly taken an interest in the rearing of livestock?"
"She says that she's staying with relatives." Spock shrugged.
"Are you talking to my mother?"
"You wouldn't have done it."
"Why are you always right?" I said, shaking my head.

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