Chapter 30

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"I'm feeling some tension between you two."
"Jim, don't." Bones groaned.
"Perhaps we should ask lieutenant Uhura about it?" I said, looking pointedly at Spock.
"You saw." she sighed, placing her face in her hands.
"Your being illogical." Spock said sighing.
"Oh she's the illogical one?" Bones said, glaring at Spock.
"You have no ground to stand on Spock."
"But..." Uhura tried to interject.
"Neither do you Uhura."
"I sense there's something going on between you four..."
"Jim! For gods sake!" Bones snapped.
"Bones is not involved in any way captain."
"You don't get to make that decision Spock. The doctor actually cared, unlike some people at this table."
"That was very pointed."
"Jim, not the time." The doctor sighed.
"Your being extremely illogical, if you would just let us explain."
"So I'm the illogical one? I'm the illogical one?"
"You just repeated yourself, so yes."

Third POV.

"Spock..." Bones warned.

"Captain, would you mind giving us some space?" Esha asked running her hands through her hair and standing up.
"Okay, no problem." Jim said, swinging his leg off of the bench and whispering in Bones ear quickly before leaving. His comment, "tell me everything." Left bones shaking his head.

As the door slid shut behind the captain, Esha turned to Bones.
"Do you mind leaving as well?"
"I think I should be here." he said slightly worriedly.
She had seemed fragile and he sensed this was he part where she snapped.

Spock was sitting with his back straight, a mask of nothing in his face despite the fact he could feel everything he'd caused Esha rolling off in waves towards him. He was surprised the humans couldn't feel it but it broke his heart. He had brought this upon the woman he loved so dearly and there was probably nothing he could do at this point.

Uhura was twiddling her thumbs, guiltily.

Esha slammed her hands down on the table. "You don't get to call me illogical." she said pointing at Spock. "You have no right at this point." Redirecting her finger to Uhura, "And you don't get to talk right now unless I say because I don't think I can stand much of your voice. Now explain."

"I was extremely intoxicated." Spock said, looking down.
"So was I! And I didn't know! He didn't mention it!" Uhura rushed.
"That was because I was oblivious to your advances, I did nothing to reciprocate the gesture."

"I've been emotionally compromised and I'm taking the rest of the day off. Doctors diagnosis."
She huffed turning to leave.

"I didn't say anything..."
"I'm a telepath! I know what your thinking." She hissed leaving the room.

"You've fucked up big time." Bones said glaring at the two guilty parties before leaving.

Bones Pov.

"How you holdin' up?"
"Much better, thank you."
"It was the next logical thing to do."
"They're really sorry you know."
"I intend to forgive them in full. It's only logical, however I am considering Kohlinar."
"I have no clue what that is."
"Good, now I'm going to rest. I'm feeling rather drained."

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