Chapter 61

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"How was your night?" Spock asked as I barged through the door and dropped the key down on the little table by the door.

It was truly the picture of domestic bliss in our little apartment. The plants I had left last time we were here had started to bloom thanks to the automated waterer and our apartment was finally starting to look lived in actually which brought me a level of satisfaction at our ability to create a home. To top it off, Spock was drinking something blue from a tall glass and scrolling through his padd by the breakfast bar in his pyjamas with his hair all mussed from sleep. Everything was perfect.

Or it would have been if I could control myself. How does one answer his question without lying? I knew if he'd ask me if just come out with it so that had to be avoided.

And then a wave of nausea hit me. For once it was my answered prayer and I dashed to the bathroom to wretch over the toilet. "Not a good night then?" Spock quipped as he held my hair back and I answered with another round of vomiting. "Must have been terrible."
"I mean I made some poor decisions." I huffed over the toilet bowl, lying my head at an angle so I could look at Spock and relishing the cool of the seat on my face. I felt myself desperately trying not to freak about the amount of germs that were harboured in environments like this. I needed to move soon or the tile of the bathroom floor would begin to cause me to shiver, it was freezing. "But where is the difference there from me during any other occasion?"

Spock pursed his lips and looked at me quizzically and I felt my heart rate rise. This in turn induced another round of vomiting. "You need to see a doctor, t'hyla." He stated, matter of factly and I stared at him incredulously. "I'll get dressed and we'll go."
"What are you on about?"
"A doctor. This has been going on for far too long." He sat back on his haunches without removing a hand from my lower back and when I opened my mouth to protest. "And don't even think to tell me it's nothing Esha because I see the amount of pain you're in when you sleep. You can't hide it then and logically I don't think you should."
"Don't try and play the logic card Spock." I murmured shaking my head slightly. "Just don't."
"You're being illogical." He shook his head almost violently and his hair flew about. "I don't want to hear an argument out of you."
"You're aggressive."
"When it comes to your safety and health I think it's only fair."
"Fine." I huffed a sigh of defeat that seemed to relax my whole body. Sure I could have won the debate easily, I could have my husband wrapped around my finger, but I felt guilty enough I'd have done anything for Spock in that moment, I'd have done anything for Spock in any other circumstances too to be fully honest. "If it would put your mind at ease I'll do it." I pushed myself up and trailed my fingers across his face gently enough to brush his face but light enough I wasn't at risk of giving away any of my thoughts or feelings to him. I still had hours of meditation to hide memories ahead of me. "I would do anything for you."

His fingers brushed my hand in the most chaste of kisses and my forehead fell to his chest in utter defeat. I had a knack of ruining my own life.
"I'll get changed, shall I?"

"Mr and Mrs Spock!" A very southern voice called after we had sat waiting on some sterile benches in a Starfleet hospital and I felt my insides shrivel and die. "My favourite married hobgoblins."
"Racism." I murmured under my breath as Bones grinned at us, file tucked under one arm, beckoning us to follow him into the Medbay further and Spock looked at me as I sat sullenly before pulling me up by the upper arm. I was beginning to get the sense of, 'act like a child, be treated like a child' from the link between us.
"Doctor McCoy." Spock said stiffly. "We need your assistance."
"What'd you do, burn your hand making pancakes?" He retorted, smile unfaltering and I felt I could punch him for it.
"It's Esha actually." He stated and Bones head snapped around to glare at me.
"Tell me this isn't what I think it is and you haven't been hiding this from me?"
"Don't know what you're on about."
"Is this her spells of aggressive nausea?" Bones huffed, suddenly all business and Spock nodded. "Well right, follow me."

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