Chapter 6

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Strange. Esha's  emotional outburst was odd for one having performed kohlinar, though I can't admit that I was sure she had.

I turned around to find her unconscious on the floor and I immediately got down on one knee to check her vitals.

"Oh don't worry, they do that to potential trouble makers. She's just unconscious." A familiar voice called out. "Though I'd be insulted that they tranquillised the girl that's like half your weight and only like what? Three quarters of your height?"

I was to struck by relief to even care who the voice came from.

Why did I even care? I saw many men and women die every day but Esha, she was different. I couldn't put a finger on it.

It's probably because she's Vulcan, a sister. That's all.

"Jim?" I asked the voice.
"You took your god damn time you pointy eared bastard" Bones snapped and Jim laughed.

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