Chapter 27

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What I'm currently listening to but has nothing to do with the chapter: bastille and Gabrielle Aplin, Dreams.
"Who was that?" Spock questioned, raising an eyebrow.
"Stonn." I said simply, sinking back into my thoughts.
"Is that your...?"
I cut him off, "Yes it is."
"What did he want?" Spock asked, quirking his eyebrow.
"To illicit an emotional response from me."

He wasn't wrong. Pon Farr wasn't far off, but it wasn't near either. A good six months at least, or so I hoped. I had never kept track of the exact timings.

Later in the day when I had a short reprise from work I called T'pring.
"Yo." She answered.
"What?" I asked perplexed.
"I'm trying human words, what is it you wanted?"
"How are you planing to claim?"
"You came to the right person." I could hear the smirk in her voice.

"You look annoyed." Uhura said, entering the lab, "it's ridiculously hot in here Esha."
"Fucking thank you!" The ensign shouted and I gave them my best glare.
"Do I?" I asked, eyebrow arched, turning from the ensign.
"No, it was an excuse to propose my idea to you." She laughed sitting down.
"What is it?" I slid my calculations away from me, leaning in slightly.
"Yoga!" She exclaimed.
"It's..." She began to explain.
I'm not a child.
"I know what yoga is, I was prompting you to continue Nyota." I cut her off, I didn't need an explanation.
"Okay. Don't get all menstrual. I'll teach you yoga and you help me meditate." She said rolling her eyes at me.
"Fine. I see no problem."

"Flow your energies down into your heart centre."
"Elaborate?" I asked raising my eyebrows.
"No just place your hands in prayer position by your heart. That is not your heart!" She said, pointing at my hands, which were by my heart.
"Yes it is, don't be illogical."
"Whose heart is in their side?" She said doubtfully.
"A vulcans." I said flatly.
"Seriously?" She asked in disbelief.
"Vulcans cannot lie."

"Move into up dog."
"That's an illogical name for..." I started only to be cut off.
"Up-dog!" She screeched.
"Calm down." I said levely, trying to keep the peace.
"let's just fucking mediate?"

"I am a mountain, the thoughts pass around me." She muttered.
"Say it into yourself, not aloud."
"You should have specified." Nyota snapped, her eyes opening.
"You should have known, your going to lose circulation that way." I said, nodding my head towards her legs.
"I'm not." She retorted.
"What ever you say."

"Excellent news!" The captain said bursting in.
"What is it?" I asked, unfolding my legs. Uhura made the mistake of standing up straight away and ended up falling over to be caught by the captain. Kirk smirked at me knowingly and then helped Uhura back to her feet.

"I warned you." I sighed, leaning against the wall.
"I know!"
"Now who's getting menstrual." I retorted, folding my arms.
"Wow, Vulcan comebacks."

"Anyway! My good news is shore leave baby!" He said dramatically.
"It's illogical to..."
"Shore. Leave." He said bluntly.
"Austin powers reference." I said, raising my eyebrow.
"Oh, so she does get references." the captain muttered while Nyota started squealing.
"I'm so excited! We all need to go to Selina's, she always does the best 21st Century nights."
"Oh my god yes!" The captain agreed enthusiastically.

"Hey Esha... Oh, hello Nyota, Captain." Spock said, walking in surprised (surprised is not a word I would attribute to Spock) at the other occupants.
"Shore leave Spock! You up to get drunk?" The captain laughed.
"Can someone explain?"

Well, shore leave it is, 'bring it on' as the humans say.

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