Chapter 25

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In case you don't know who Galadriel is I included a picture, all will love me and despair! XD

"Happy Halloween." Spock said appearing behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist.
"Is that today?" I said leaning up to kiss him.
"Have you got a costume?"
"I refused to go as an elf again, I got a vampire costume when I was on shore leave."
"Smart." I said leaning into the embrace, "I am however going as an elf this year."
"I'm sure you'll look beautiful."
"As will you, now as much as I'm enjoying this." I said gesturing to his arms, "I can't overheat that." I said pointing to the small beaker on the burner.

Spock stepped away and I pointed towards safety goggles, pushing mine down off of my head.
"So what are you doing?" He questioned his eyebrow raising.
"You have your Koybaishi Maru, I have whatever I decide to call this." I said lifting my beaker off and quickly stirring it.
"What is this?"
"This is medicine."
"Makes sense."
"It is logical."
"Why is it so cold in here?"
"Because the ensign came in, started an experiment and now I can't turn up the heat without ruining it, it's entirely illogical."
Spock bit his lip and smirked slightly as if trying not to laugh.

That man is perfect, it's entirely illogical the reaction it elicits from me.

Composure Esha.

"Convent most of my work is spent on the bridge."
"How great for you, a pleasant temperature."
"Is that jealousy" Spock said raising an eyebrow and smirking slightly.
It wasn't jealously, or was it?
"It is not jealousy."

"Okay! So, now I need to do your makeup!"
"I can do that part myself Uhura, thank you for your help."
"Are you sure?"
"Positively, you should continue with yourself, it would be illogical to focus solely on me."
"If only I had a shot..."
Glaring at Uhura I turned to the mirror and proceeded to do my makeup.

"That is a job well done." She remarked as she pushed me out of the way so she could access the mirror, "I am impressed young Padawan."
"You've never seen Star Wars?" Uhura gasped.
"She's never seen Star Wars?" Sulu gasped from the doorway.
"I don't know what that is." I said blankly.
"Did Jim send you with that?" Uhura said blushing slightly.
"Yup, he also told me to ask you why it has to be a surprise."
"What has to be a surprise?" I asked confused, I do not like being kept in the dark.
"I don't even know at this point, I'm just the owl." Sulu said rolling his eyes.
"I get that reference."
"Excellent, I'm going as Cho Chang, not actually. Chekov and I are going as zombies. loving the Gladriel costume, It really suits you."
"Thank you."
"Out Sulu, I know your spying for Jim!" Uhura snapped appearing from the bathroom.
"He wouldn't even tell me the bloody surprise!"
"Out!" Sulu then retreated from the room with his hands up in surrender and Uhura disappeared back into the bathroom, singing loudly and off key to no music.

Illogical, but that is humans.

"Okay, I'm ready."
"Let's go?"
"Let's get drunk!"
"I don't drink."
"Okay, watch me get semi drunk."

"You look beautiful." Spock said walking up to me.
"You look... Sexy..." I said looking him up and down. He really did, in his Dracula costume.
"For lack of better word, I look to the human vernacular."
"Well let's go enjoy the party."

Half of the party was spent with quick Vulcan kisses our friends dragging us around, totally oblivious to our romance.

Romance... That's something I never pictured myself involved in.
Marrying Stonn, growing fond of him possibly, yes.
Having him and T'pring start a relationship didn't bother me. Not much did back then, it was all perfect and emotionless. Nothing was truly negative, I just always imagined that I would marry one of my friends. I would finish up at the science academy and move on to High Command, when I left for earth I wanted something more out of life. Not quite emotion, but something.

At some point Spock grabbed my hand and pulled me away from the party, leading me to some empty conference room and intiated a kiss.
Human style.

I've said his before and I know it's illogical to repeat but,
It's the little things.

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