Chapter 46

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This chapter is horrible but I've been playing excessive amounts of DA2 hence the quite obvious reference. Also not edited because I cba and I just wanted to get it up.

"You're moping about Spock again."
I just glared at Bones.
"I don't mope, moping is an emotion. I brood. I'm a broody elf." Uhura said, poorly mimicking me.
"First of all, stop trying to fit dragon age references into things, I'm not Fenris and I regret introducing you to that game." I said, turning the glare to Uhura.
"Yeah it's not wattpad or something." Sulu laughed, flicking through his tablet and mostly ignoring everyone that was sat in the rec room.
"But vot if it vos? Vot if this is a fanfiction?" Chekhov pondered.
"Fuck off and have a crisis somewhere else." Bones groaned. "I'm a doctor not a god damn therapist."

"Second of all." I said, butting back in, "I don't brood or mope."
"Yeah but how long have you guys been apart?" Uhura asked.
"A while."
"Very precise." She laughed.
"I'm going to finish my paper on covalent bonds relations with warp capacity."
I explained getting up and heading for the lab.
"Don't need to tell us what it's about!" She called after me, laughing.

"Ah, commander." I said slightly surprised. "I didn't expect to see anyone at this hour."
"Me neither." He replied, gathering his things. "My apologies."
"Don't leave on account of me." I said running my hand through my hair. "We are going to have to work together at some point and you look like you need help."
"Take a seat." He said, pulling out the stool next to him. "I'm hitting a dead end with this paper."

"That's not even the electron arrangement." I said, slightly too smugly, leaning over to correct his mistake.
"One electron is not something to gloat about."
"Well you're not often wrong."
"It happens more often than you'd think."

He looked at me with a side wards glance and a raised eyebrow and I didn't have an epiphany or anything as poetic. I wasn't going to get up and burst into song, I wasn't going to make flowers bloom or preach about the miracles of emotion or love more specifically.

Love was still very much illogical. That I knew was fact. Love is illogical. A weakness and a chink in the armour. Love will eventually be my undoing as it will be and has been so many other couples undoings. However, I had a few realisations.

First of all I had lied. Unintentionally of course but I had lied about leaving him. I had said I leaving Spock for his own benefit when it was for reasons entirely more selfish. I had pushed emotion away in favour of logic.

Secondly this had made me miserable.

And thirdly and finally, with this man by my side I believed I could conquer the world.

If my time at starfleet had taught me one thing, it was that sometimes being direct was probably the best policy.

So I kissed Spock and was surprised to see he was kissing me back.

Pulling away finally, he raised an eyebrow. "Done trying to protect me?"
"I may have been in denial about my feelings for you."
"Nice to know you realised it too." He replied, kissing me again.

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