Chapter 45

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I need a name and gender for the ensign or should I just leave it ambiguous? Help?

It's that time of the year again. Humans love it, the leaves change shade and die and the Americans have a party to celebrate the harvest while the British people get confused over just what exactly that point of it is (even though the name is self explanatory). However, to get this joyous month, one must first live through October. The month that includes Halloween.

This usually entailed a large party, pumpkins, a large amount of unhealthy food and costumes. This year I have no excuse not to attend the Halloween party and I have made the very foolish decision to let Uhura get me my costume this year. I'm expecting something elf related.

"Lieutenant." Spock spoke, entering the lab.
"Commander." I replied.
"Ensign!" The ensign interjected happily, earning glares. "Just trying to lighten the mood."

"Do you have the files I requested?" He asks, not really leaving the door frame and looking like he'd rather not be there at all.
"Of course I do." I replied, grabbing them off of the table.
"That is all. Thank you." He said, barely getting his sentence oft before leaving

"That was icy and he looks like crap." The ensign commented.
"Do you think he's been getting enough sleep?" I questioned, writing up an evaluation of a previous experiment.
"Why do you care?" The ensign shrugged.
"Why shouldn't I?"
"Most exes hate each other but it's probably just a Vulcan thing."

"What manner of monstrosity have you gotten me this year?" I sighed, sitting down on Uhura's bed.
"Actually not a monstrosity, thank you very much." she scoffed. "Seeing as you're back on the market I was thinking sexy."
"Vulcans value modesty." I commented, raising my eyebrow at her.
"Modestly sexy." She shrugged walking towards her wardrobe.
"What have you got?"
"Skeleton pin up girl!" Uhura exclaimed, pulling the outfit from behind her back with a flourish.
"Makes no sense." I replied shaking my head.
"You make no sense." She retorted.
"That was illogical."
"Sit in the damn chair." Sounds more and more like bones everyday.

"So, can I get you ladies a drink?" Kirk asked, flirty, as usual.
I politely declined and took the chance to find a quieter corner of the room.

"I see zat you aren't a fan of party's either?"
"More not a fan of human tendency." I shrugged, leaning back in the seat and observing.
"Ah, we have ze post break up blues zen?" Pavel laughed, looking rather ridiculous in his Jedi costume.
"The what?"
"You are depressed over mister Spock? Niet?" He said, trying to clarify.
"I don't get depressed Pavel."
"Well zen I 'ave no advice apart from follow your heart."
"When did the kid become so deep?" Bones interjected

The rest of the night consisted of my friends getting drunk and myself avoiding Spock at all times. Halloween was not my favourite holiday.

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