Chapter 47

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sophia_anna98 is the fabulous person to thank for helping me pin down the ensigns gender and well, everything.

"Oh here it is merry Christmas..." Drifted from somewhere in the tinsel covered lab, I had failed to find its source when Carl -the ensign- had walked in on me standing atop one of the counters looking for where the endless loop of carols were coming from. Apparently it was hilarious.
Retaliation was petty and illogical but I heat up the environment of the room. It was still freezing for me but small victories.

"So, you guys not celebrate Christmas on Vulcan?" Carl asked, looking up from whatever he was doing. "No, it's a human holiday."
"No present?"
"No present." I confirmed.

"Esha." Uhura called. "You're impossibly..."
"Implausibly." I cut in, correcting her.
"Implausibly tall, do you mind helping me out up this mistletoe?"
"Not at all." I said, beginning to pin the flowers to the door frame. "So what human tradition is this?"
"Well if you get caught under the mistletoe with someone you have to kiss them."
"It's illogical."
"Everything about Christmas is. Roll with it." She laughed walking away with a large bundle of mistletoe over her shoulder.

Entering the bridge, I was greeted to get more Christmas carols. The humans seemed to be enjoying it ridiculously so. "Happy Holidays." Jim called over in greeting. "Getting into the spirit yet?"
"No, I'm not." I said, raising an eyebrow before making my way over to Spock. "I need you to sign this."
"Good to see you've worked out your issues." Kirk smirked.
"Esha's issues." Sulu muttered and Pavel snorted, badly containing a laugh.
"I have superior hearing."
"That's surprisingly easy to forget." Sulu laughed.
"So what are you losers doing with your Christians eve?" Jim questioned, kicking back in his chair.
"Chekhov and I have plans tonight." Sulu shrugged.
"Isn't Christmas Eve a weird time for date night?"
"Christmas Eve in Japan is similar to western Valentine's Day." I informed the captain and half of the eyes in the room turned to me. "What?"
"We know of your traditions, we just don't celebrate them." Spock explained, handing me back the clipboard. "Well sounds cute." Jim shrugged. "I'll try not to get us into mortal peril for the next 48 hours."
"Should that not be the goal year round, captain?" Spock questioned, eyebrow raised.
"Probably." He laughed and I excused myself.

The med bay was quiet, apart from the chattering of a child coming form somewhere.
"So show me the tree, darlin'?" Bone's asked and the voice of an excited little girl rang back.
"It's a real one!" The voice squealed.
"It sure is!" He laughed. "Give daddy a minute till I see what Esha wants, it might be important."
"Am I intruding?"
"It's an elf! Are you at the North Pole?" The girl, who logically would be Bone's daughter questioned and then turned (on the screen of his monitor) to me. "Why are you so tall? Do you know Santa?"
"That's a Vulcan, Josie. They're not elfs." Bones corrected her.
"Mommy said that there would probably be lots more Vulcans coming here soon. I don't mind. They're pretty."
"Apologies for changing the subject, but what one is Santa again?" This was greeted by gasps form Bones and his daughter. "Seriously? Oh wait, you don't joke."
"He's the one that delivers the eggs?"
"That's the Easter bunny! You're funny." She giggled.
"That's a first." Bones commented.
"I'll leave you two to it for now."

"So what did you need?" He asked, sliding in to the chair across from me.
"For you to put your name on this paper." I replied, tossing him the clipboard.
"You redrafted it then."
"Struggling with the holiday spirit?" He smirked.
"It's illogical." I shrugged and the changed the subject. "Also, you never mentioned a daughter."
"I would have remembered."
"She's Josephine, she's 6, she like ponys and wants me to find her a unicorn in space."
"It seems like something you would mention, considering how long I've known you."
"It never came up." He said, evasively.
"If that's the story your sticking with bones." I shrugged walking out.

"Did you know... What is this?" I asked, walking in on Spock wrapping presents with a tree in the corner of the room.
"Domestic bliss?" He retorted.
"This whole day has been illogical from start to finish." I said flopping down on the bed. "So Christmas?"
"My mother always celebrated it and by extension so did we. It seemed illogical to stop."
"Right, where's the tinsel?"

"I can't reach." I groaned, on my toes and trying to sticks star on the tree. "What kind of logic dictates you find the biggest tree there is?"
"We are on a ship in Christmas Eve, I'm just lucky I found this lying spare." He shrugged, before picking me up.
"I feel like a child." I commented, sticking the star on and stepping back to admire our work. "For two Vulcans we're good at this."
"I'm not sure that's entirely accurate." Spock replied. "We are definitely adequate."
"It has a certain charm, if the traditions behind it are illogical." I mused. "What do we do now?"
"Christmas movies." He said surely.

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